0 Replies Latest reply on May 25, 2005 5:16 AM by elmizmo

    JBoss classloader does not want to load xml/xsd files ?



      we have a standalone program that we want to integrate in jboss.
      In this program we load an xml schema (xsd file) via Class.forName("myschema.xsd"). That way, the jaxp parser can find the schema automatically.
      We packaged the app in a jar file and I loaded the class from a servlet.
      Now the Class.forName does not work anymore. It fails with :

      No classloaders found for myschema.xsd .

      It is right : it's not a class. But is there another classloader I can use which allows me to do the same like when I run it standalone ?
      I can ask for the URL of the schema file, but because the jar file is not being unpacked, jaxp cannot read it from the jar file.
      Is there a solution ?

