0 Replies Latest reply on Dec 27, 2005 2:42 PM by axworthy

    Remote Deployment


      I've seen a post on remote deployment before but not related to remote deployment from Eclipse nor were the replies to these earlier posts of much use - they tended to go off track.

      Is it possible to remote deploy an ear file from Eclipse 3.1.1 to JBOSS AS 4?
      Under Ecplipse->Window->preferences->JbossIDE->Deployer there is a reference to the HTTP based access to the MainDeployer MBean. It indicates support for JBOSS AS 3.0. What is the syntax for JBOSS AS 4.0 and the URL format of the location of the ear file?

      Can some one provide examples of what needs to change?

      I've tried using "http://remotehost:8080/jmx-console/HtmlAdaptor?action=inspectMBean&name=jboss.system%3Aservice%3DMainDeployer&methodName={0}&argType=java.net.URL&arg0="

      This does not work.

      Also related to earlier post, how to perform the same from the JMX console/MainDeployer bean? The URL format of "file://windoes FQPN" doesn't work. JBOSS indicates it can't find the file.

      Eclipse is running on a Windows box. JBOSS AS on UNIX.

      Thanks for your help//