2 Replies Latest reply on Jul 7, 2007 6:49 AM by thiagu.m

    Modal panel displays behind the tab panel

      i am using modal panel and tab panel in a single page. when i am invoke modal panel, the moda panel displays behind the tab panel,
      i want to display the modal panel on the tabpanel
      please any one help me

      i give my sample code here

      <a href="javascript:Richfaces.showModalPanel('_panel',{left:'auto', top:'auto'})">Panel</a>
      <rich:modalPanel id="_panel">
      <a href="javascript:Richfaces.hideModalPanel('_panel')">
      Hide Modal Panel 1
       <rich:tabPanel switchType="client">
       <rich:tab label="tab 1">
       Here is tab #1
       <rich:tab label="tab #2">
       Here is tab #2
