4 Replies Latest reply on Jul 4, 2006 4:38 AM by goonie

    Modules inside EAR are deployed twice?


      Hi everyone,

      if I try to deploy an EAR to either JBoss 3.2.x or 4.0.x, all modules
      show up twice in the server console. For example:

      - application.ear
      - webapp.war
      - webapp.war
      - module.ejb
      - module.ejb

      I long thought this is a problem of Cargo, which I was using for
      deploying, but I found out the behaviour is the same if I do the
      deployment manually. I copy the EAR to the deploy directory of a virgin
      installation and start the server with run.bat (Windows).

      If I only deploy the EJB or the WAR, it only shows up once.

      Is there something wrong with it?

