3 Replies Latest reply on Jul 27, 2006 4:18 AM by pxpwxj

    How to all oracle procedure in cmp bean?


      May be procedure is still needed when we use cmp bean.How can we call oracle procedure or function in a cmp bean.in this case ,should we write jdbc code by ourself or we can also achieve this by edit these serveral descriptor xml file?

      oracel procedure or function provide more flexibilty for fulfilling our buiness logic then cmp bean can do,any one agree with me?

      I hope someone tell me something about these topic above.

      with greate tks

        • 1. Re: How to all oracle procedure in cmp bean?

          CMP entity beans are for data and persistence only. SessionBeans are for business logic.

          Where do you want to use a procedure?
          Either build a session implementing the logic database independent or build an oracle PL/SQL module and call it from a session bean.

          • 2. Re: How to all oracle procedure in cmp bean?

            tks for direction.
            I really want to know:If i use cmp bean,the container would access these table which mapping to the related cmp bean and related relationship frequently,would the server control these table exclusivly? and ,can i operate the data of these table in other program when the ejb container is running?and ,if i can do this,would it crash with the container and result in wrong state?

            • 3. Re: How to all oracle procedure in cmp bean?

              For those table matching to cmp bean or cmp relationship,can other program manipulate these data concurrently?