0 Replies Latest reply on Sep 29, 2006 8:39 AM by nicoliniyo

    VM arguments ( -Dneed.this.file = config.ini)


      I'm taking and old app to Jboss, and I'm new to it, so, how do I set up the old -Dneed.this.file = config.ini file into Jboss?

      my old app uses conf.ini file to load some parms from it, I've configured the build.xml to copy config.ini to the root of the app on the Jboss

      http://localhost:8080/myOldApp/ (root)
      http://localhost:8080/myOldApp/config.ini (file available)

      EJB 3.0
      JBoss 4.0.4.GA

      when I use the JAVA_OPT the file not found exception is thrown, what or where the file must be? is it the rigth file? keep on using JAVA_OPT?