1 Reply Latest reply on Oct 18, 2006 10:24 AM by peterj

    finding OAInterface ?


      where we will find the OAInterface ? it says compiler error when i tried to compile the following code:

      import org.omg.CosTransactions.*;
      import com.arjuna.ats.jts.*;
      import com.arjuna.orbportability.*;

      public class DemoImplementation extends generated.Demo ._DemoInterfaceStub
      public void work() throws generated.Demo.DemoException

      Control control = OTSManager.get_current().get_control();
      Coordinator coordinator = control.get_coordinator();
      DemoResource resource = new DemoResource();

      catch (Exception e)
      throw new DemoException();


      help please

        • 1. Re: finding OAInterface ?

          Um, there is no class named OAInterface that comes with JBoss AS (I checked 4.0.4.GA) or with JBoss Transactions (I checked 4.2.1). Since you wrote the code, you must have used the OAInterface class for some reason. So where did you get the OAInterface class from?