3 Replies Latest reply on Mar 18, 2007 2:45 PM by kuvera

    working directory


      I keep all my work under c:\Wk, which I save regularly.
      Can I use JBoss in a way that war and ear directories are somewhere under this, as unpackaged archives, and JBoss deploy directory only refers to them? In standalone Tomcat I did it like this: there was a contextname.xml under conf/Catalina/localhost:

      I have tried to put it into deploy/minta2.war/WEB-INF/context.xml, but "The requested resource (/minta2/) is not available."

        • 1. Re: working directory

          So this was the minta2.xml:

           workDir="c:/Wk/prg/Java/Minta2/web/WEB-INF/build" />

          • 2. Re: working directory

            Look in server/default/conf/jboss-services.xml. The last mbean (URLDeploymentScanner) has an attribute named URLs. You can add a directory there. In addition, all of your exploded directories will have to have the .war and .ear extensions. For example, assume the directories:


            Then change the URLs attribute as follows:

            <attribute name="URLs">

            (Note: I am not sure about the number of slashes required between file: and c:, it could be 1, 2 or 3)

            This causes the deployer to deploy all applications, whether exploded or packaged in files, in the c:/wk/prg/jboss directory.

            • 3. Re: working directory

              Thank you for your answer, Peter.
              I admit I was hoping for a nicer solution, but what can we do? My project directories have src,doc,notes and deploy subdirectories and I use the main dir as a Project dir in eclipse. So it seems I will have to rename all deploy subdirs to contextname.war and list each and every such path in URLs. I preferred Tomcat's approach...
              Thanks a lot anyway.