1 Reply Latest reply on Jun 19, 2007 5:29 PM by cristian_e

    classloader problems


      I have a classloader problem in my ear with associated war so that I can't make no hot deploy ... probably due to multiple deployed libs, maybe someone can point me to a strategy for finding this multiple deployed lib?

        • 1. Re: classloader problems

          Can you post more info about this ? Stack trace ?

          I understand that when there is more than just one version of the same class deployed on JBoss, it simply gets the first one deployed unless you have defined a different approach. So, if you have the same lib/class deployed more than once, the problems becomes getting to know if your app is calling the wrong version.

          If you want to check what version of a class JBoss is actually using, you can use the jmx-console to ask what class loader is getting it and also from what archive (look for LoaderRepository in the main screen).