1 Reply Latest reply on Aug 30, 2007 3:16 AM by jaikiran

    setting logging in a WAR for a JAR?


      I have a jar file that is included in my war file that is deployed in JBoss. The jar file uses log4j and does logging. Is there a way for my war file to set log4j logging to DEBUG and then have the DEBUG logging from the included jar file appear?

        • 1. Re: setting logging in a WAR for a JAR?

          I am not sure i have completely understood the question. Assuming that you want to set the logging level of your application to DEBUG, all you have to do is edit the log4j.xml (this file is recently named to jboss-log4j.xml since JBoss 4.2.x) present in %JBOSS_HOME%/server//conf folder.

          Let us know, if you are looking for something else