2 Replies Latest reply on Sep 5, 2007 8:11 AM by sciacca



      Hi all,
      I'm an absolute newbie... :-(

      I'm trying to start Jboss 4.2.0GA: the answer given by \jboss-4.2.0.GA\bin\run.bat is:

      "Error: no `server' JVM at `C:\Programmi\Java\jre1.6.0_02\bin\server\jvm.dll'"

      Where I can find \server\jvm.dll in the java.sun.com ?
      the version of jdk I wan to use is jdk1.5.0_12...what is the way to set my mean machine to use this one ?

      thanks in advance to those who answer to me

        • 1. Re: server/jvm.dll


          "sciacca" wrote:

          the version of jdk I wan to use is jdk1.5.0_12...what is the way to set my mean machine to use this one ?

          All you have to do is set the JAVA_HOME to point to the path where your jdk1.5 is installed. Assuming, your jdk is installed at C:\Programmi\Java\jdk1.5.0_12, you can edit the run.bat file present in %JBOSS_HOME%/bin folder to add the following entry at the start:

          set JAVA_HOME=C:\Programmi\Java\jdk1.5.0_12

          The other way to do this is, set an environment variable JAVA_HOME in Windows and point it to C:\Programmi\Java\jdk1.5.0_12

          • 2. Re: server/jvm.dll

            Thanks jaikiran !