0 Replies Latest reply on Feb 13, 2008 5:39 AM by vivran

    JBoss log4j.xml issue


      I am deploying an ear file in JBOSS. That ear file also has a log4j.xml file. And JBOSS installation also has a log4j.xml file in the conf directory. But the appenders defined in the conf/log4j.xml files are interfering with the appenders defined in my log4j.xml . There is a root logger defined in the conf/log4j.xml as below:

      <appender-ref ref="CONSOLE"/>
      <appender-ref ref="FILE"/>

      So these appenders are getting inherited by the loggers in ear's log4j.xml file . And this is creating problem for me. Is there any way I can prevent this.

      I hope my problem is clear to you. Its JBOSS version 5.x
      additivity="false" does not work in my log4j.xml file as the log writing application is written to use the default which is true