0 Replies Latest reply on Mar 24, 2008 6:30 AM by gregory.carlin

    Jboss with Liferay and Nuxeo



      I would like to run Nuxeo trought the Liferay Portal. My question is : How should I install Nuxeo and Liferay in the Jboss directory ? If Jboss is already install, where should I install Nuxeo ? : I've noticed that Nuxeo install all the Jboss structure, as well as Liferay.

      I think that all should be organised in the Jboss Directory like :

      Jboss directory
      - bin
      - client
      - ...
      - server
      -- all
      -- default
      -- minimal
      -- nuxeo (?)
      -- liferay (?)

      I'm a bit lost in all that... I know that I should configure the port in order not to have conflit :
      - http://localhost:8080/nuxeo and http://localhost:8080/liferay.

      There's should be something to do also with the .ear files. If somebody could give me the path to follow, for the order of installation and configuration, that should be very nice

      Thx !

      Gregory CARLIN
      Leroy Merlin Spain