1 Reply Latest reply on May 7, 2008 3:24 AM by peterj

    JBoss 4.2.2.GA shutdown script -su: java command not found


      After successfully configuring JBoss 4.2.2.GA, and after configuring the JBoss service template script, I get the following error on the command when I test the service script: "service jboss stop".

      The JBoss process continues to run and I get the error:

      "Shutting down JBoss application server: -su: java command not found"

      I've checked the script several times to ensure the java path has been set correctly -- it is -- but the script continues to fail.


      Thank you.

        • 1. Re: JBoss 4.2.2.GA shutdown script -su: java command not fou

          Looks like the start command uses java_home/bin/java. but the shutdown command uses only java. Change the the line of the script that declares the shutdown command to ADD $java_home/bin, as follows:

          JBOSS_CMD_STOP=${JBOSS_CMD_STOP:-"$JAVA_HOME/BIN/java -classpath $JBOSSCP org.jboss.Shutdown --shutdown"}