3 Replies Latest reply on Jun 19, 2008 3:32 PM by peterj

    looking for a


      Hi all,
      I'm just a systems admin, not a programmer. I have to know how to install an application in jboss. I've downloaded, compiled and installed... and working on a redhat server. BUT, I really don't know how to download a demo application and install it.

      Can anyone help explain and point me to a small demo I can look at and download / install?


        • 1. Re: looking for a

          Hopefully your application is packaged as one of the standard Java EE archives (for example, WAR, EAR, SAR). Copy the file to the jboss_home/server/xxx/deploy directory, where 'xxx' is the configuration you are running (usually 'default').

          You can find more information in the free chapter 1 download for JBoss In Action at http://www.manning.com/jamae. It shows how to build a deploy a simple hello world app. One warning - the book is based on JBossAS 5.0 which has a slightly different directory structure than 4.2.x and 4.0.x.

          • 2. Re: looking for a

            thanks for the info.. actually. I don't have ANY applications, and since i'm not a programmer, I'm just looking for a nice simple demo app to install with instructions....

            • 3. Re: looking for a

              Unfortunately, all of the simple apps I know of come only as source code which you have to build and then deploy. The only app I can think of that is ready to deploy is JBoss Portal, but it is not simple.