0 Replies Latest reply on May 23, 2009 7:11 PM by redlunalobo

    Running jsfejb3 in AS 5.


      I am trying to run this example in AS 5.
      I have modified the build to use the env vars. and I have changed the persistence.xml to include the schema.
      I can build and deploy the ear.
      I am getting an error from running the application.
      I get a first screen with create new todo and Show all todos but if I click on any link I get an error page:
      Bean or property class TodoBean for managed bean todoBean cannot be found.
      AS I am a complete beginner, can some one suggest what I can do or what is wrong?
      I have a strange feeling that the server is confused with so many deploy and undeploys but I don't know how to reset it.

      best wishes Lunalobo