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1. Re: Welcome
bryanerank Sep 3, 2003 3:37 PM (in response to bill.burke)Thanks so much to you and Sacha for all your work Bill.
Would you consider releasing a copy of the workbook PDF for jboss that could be printed. I tend to write lots of notes and such in margins, etc. I contacted Oreilly and they said no plans to publish, so no hope there. I would be happy to send a check somewhere and get a hard copy if that is a better way to do it.
Bryan -
2. Re: Welcome
joebarh Sep 9, 2003 6:32 PM (in response to bill.burke)
First of all, congratulations for this amazing work!!
Like Bryan, I'd love to have a printed copy of this workbook.
Is there any legal reason why we shouldn't be able to print it out?
Just let us know so we can stop trying to hack Adobe Acrobat ;-)
Best regards,