5 Replies Latest reply on Oct 14, 2002 5:50 AM by slaboure

    6.3 Not complete



      I have been using your workbook in conjunction with the Orielly EJB book. I have noticed that the excercise 6.3 is not complete in your workbook. It is stated in that section that there are no more JBoss specific configurations necessary to do the simple relationship excercise. That is not correct, for JBoss 3.0.0 you need to define a relationship section not only in the ejb-jar file but also in the jbosscmp-jdbc file.

      Devon Coleman

        • 1. Re: 6.3 Not complete

          Um, no you don't....did you run the example?

          > Hello:
          > I have been using your workbook in conjunction with
          > the Orielly EJB book. I have noticed that the
          > excercise 6.3 is not complete in your workbook. It is
          > stated in that section that there are no more JBoss
          > specific configurations necessary to do the simple
          > relationship excercise. That is not correct, for
          > JBoss 3.0.0 you need to define a relationship section
          > not only in the ejb-jar file but also in the
          > jbosscmp-jdbc file.
          > Cheers,
          > Devon Coleman

          • 2. Re: 6.3 Not complete

            I've been able to run examples 4.1 through 6.3 without any troubles now.

            Only exchanging the datasource turns out to be messy.

            One minor issue:
            it would be great to only have to start "start.bat" for each sample, because the syntax is sometimes somewhat different (ant run.client_63 vs. client_61 777....). This could make running the examples 100% idiot-proof.


            • 3. Re: 6.3 Not complete


              I did not really explain myself very well. If you run the examples as is with not questions or different implemantations of databases or db initialzations, yes the examples work fine. Since there was no discussion about not being able to run the examples with differenct jbosscmp-jdbc configureations like not allowing automatic table generation I just experimented. It is not until chapter 7 that is mentioned to read the advanced cmp 2.0 JBoss documentation about configuration changes. Maybe this should be mentioned somewhere in chapter 6 as well since 6.3 does deal with relationships.

              Devon C.

              • 4. Re: 6.3 Not complete


                At first, we had such scripts and they have been removed then: one of us ;) thought it would hide too much of what is really happening and thus creating some kind of "bubble" behind which everything is hidden.

                • 5. Re: 6.3 Not complete


                  the goal of the book is provide easy access to JBoss for beginners. Furthermore, automatic table creation is generally used for development/prototyping only (i.e. in the HSQLDB embedded DB only) as in production environment, tables are created with care and optimisations (indexes, etc..).

                  Nevertheless, what kind of bugs did you have while changing the datasource? Naming issues?

