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1. Re: ERROR [XmlFileLoader] Invalid encoding name "Cp1252".:40
jmatt Apr 9, 2003 10:59 AM (in response to qinding)>euuhhh ;-)
>close all cmd.exe windows
>open cmd.exe windows
>chcp 1250 (set active tabel to 1250)
>cd c:\oreily\workbook\..\ex04_01
>set JAVA_HOME,JBOSS_HOME and path ant
>ant clean
>open new cmd.exe windows
>chcp 1250
After this the error was gone. -
2. Re: JBoss Book 3: http://LocalHost:8082 Jboss Admin Console
rdraju Apr 11, 2003 1:48 PM (in response to qinding)I am not sure about the exercise but port 8082 is no more for admin console. It's
Hope this helps! -
3. Re: JBoss Book 3: http://LocalHost:8082 Jboss Admin Console
jmatt Apr 11, 2003 2:11 PM (in response to qinding)try 8080