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1. Re: Integrate Jboss with pre-installed tomcat
destr0 May 18, 2003 8:07 PM (in response to sysuser1)"destr0" wrote:
"destr0" wrote:
why not use the release that has jboss and tomcat integrated? -
2. Re: Integrate Jboss with pre-installed tomcat
borus Dec 16, 2003 1:11 PM (in response to sysuser1)"borus" wrote:
"borus" wrote:
I have the same question - how can I configure JBoss to use externally installed tomcat instead of the bundled one ?
I mean running it the same way as it runs the bundled one - in the same JVM.
I really have reason for doing this - our project have to be able to run either jboss+tomcat together (mainstream version) or tomcat alone (light version), and we don't want to manage 2 different installations of tomcat.
This worked nice with JBoss 2.4.x + Tomcat 3.2.4, but now we want to switch to the latest stable version - JBoss 3.2.x + Tomcat 4.1.x.
In I saw the following:
"From JBoss-3.0beta you can specify the location of the tomcat in the Tomcat deployment's jboss-service.xml"
Please, teach me how exactly I can do it.