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1. Re: How does jboss auto generate table for entity bean?
bill.burke Feb 17, 2004 11:29 PM (in response to terapico)actually it works with any database. Read chapter 7 (or is it 6?) for more information. Basically in standardjbosscmp-jdbc.xml there are some config flags <create-table>. No matter what database it is, if create-table is set to true, jboss will try and create the table for the CMP if it does not exist. This will happen on deployment.
<remove-table> is the opposite. On undeployment of the ejb-jar(shutdown for instance), the table will be dropped.
Basically you can let JBoss create relationships, constraints etc, without involving a db init sql script.
Bill -
2. Re: How does jboss auto generate table for entity bean?
terapico Feb 18, 2004 11:24 PM (in response to terapico)Thank you. I will read the chapters.