1 Reply Latest reply on Jun 1, 2004 2:11 PM by nickman

    remote clients


      I have seen a few postings on running clients remotely. It sounds like people are installing most of the server environment on the client machine just to run a client. What needs to be installed on a client machine to run a remote client? I realize it depends on the client. Let's take ex04_1 as a simple example. In this example the client simply accesses an entity bean with CabinRemote and CabinHomeRemote interfaces. It uses JNDI to lookup the remote context.

      Are there tools for packaging and delivering clients? Is there a reference that describes this that someone can point me to.

      Thank you.


        • 1. Re: remote clients

          Depending on what you need in your client, different jars in the <jboss-home>/client directory will be applicable. For brevity, we tend to simply use jbossall-client.jar but there are bits and pieces you may need in other jars. One bit/piece in particular we always use is the LoginInitialContextFactory (a convenience class to make a secure JNDI connection) which is in <jboss-home>/server/default/lib/jbosssx.jar.

          With respect to packaging and distributing remote clients, I assume you mean Java based (Swing or AWT) rich clients. We have found that Java WebStart: (http://java.sun.com/products/javawebstart) is an excellent resource for doing this. There are also a great resources for Java WebStart at the Vamp HQ site (http://www.vamphq.com), expecially their Unofficial Java Web Start/JNLP FAQ (http://www.vamphq.com/jwsfaq.html ).

