1. Re: remote clients
nickman Jun 1, 2004 2:11 PM (in response to dm)Depending on what you need in your client, different jars in the <jboss-home>/client directory will be applicable. For brevity, we tend to simply use jbossall-client.jar but there are bits and pieces you may need in other jars. One bit/piece in particular we always use is the LoginInitialContextFactory (a convenience class to make a secure JNDI connection) which is in <jboss-home>/server/default/lib/jbosssx.jar.
With respect to packaging and distributing remote clients, I assume you mean Java based (Swing or AWT) rich clients. We have found that Java WebStart: (http://java.sun.com/products/javawebstart) is an excellent resource for doing this. There are also a great resources for Java WebStart at the Vamp HQ site (http://www.vamphq.com), expecially their Unofficial Java Web Start/JNLP FAQ (http://www.vamphq.com/jwsfaq.html ).