4 Replies Latest reply on Mar 4, 2005 11:38 PM by shel

    rmh - enterprise javabeans, 4th ed. exercise 15.1 doesn't wo


      recently, i bought "enterprise javabeans, 4th ed" by richard
      monson-haefel, bill burke and sacha labourey.

      i have installations of jboss 3.2.3 (java 1.4.1) on my gentoo
      linux server and jboss 4.0.0 rc2 (java 1.5.0-rc-b63) on windows
      xp sp2 on my tabletpc/localhost. i strongly prefer to use the
      jboss4 server as this is a) the future and b) i do prototyping
      only (stability isn't an issue for me right now).

      on jboss4/localhost i checked out most of the examples in the
      jboss workbook included with "rmh-ejb". however, the one i needed
      most, "exercise 15.1: web services and ejb 2.1" doesn't seem to
      work on my local jboss4 server. first it failed to build,
      probably due to deprecated/missing jboss.net support in jboss4.
      so i tried to replace

      <fileset dir="${jboss.home}/server/default/deploy/jboss-net.sar">


      <fileset dir="${jboss.home}/server/default/deploy/jboss-ws4ee.sar">

      on line 15 in ex15_1\build.xml

      using this, ant didn't complain when building the server-side of
      the example ('ant wsdl', 'ant ejbjar'). however, when restarting
      jboss4, the server log reads:

      12:00:09,420 INFO [EJBDeployer] Deployed:
      12:00:09,621 ERROR [ServiceDeployer] Cannot startup webservice
      for: titan.jar
      java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: The wsdl file should be
      located in: META-INF


      my questions:


      how can i make this example work (nicely) with jboss4? if the
      example, as downloaded from
      http://examples.oreilly.com/entjbeans4/workbook.zip, doesn't work
      with jboss4 indeed, i'd kindly ask to release an update of it as
      quickly as possible. jboss4 is suggested in the workbook and i
      believe most people prefer a web service example using
      jboss-ws4ee (j2ee 1.4 compliant) instead of jboss-net (the axis
      way, deprecated).


      apart from the problem described above, running the client of
      exercise 15.1 threw some exceptions. do you have any idea what's
      wrong here and how i can make it work in my environment (jboss4,
      java 1.5.0-rc-b63, windows xp sp2)?

      the following steps worked fine:

      'ant clean.db'
      'ant createdb'

      the following threw exceptions:

      1 106 1 5000.00
      Buildfile: build.xml
       [java] Exception in thread "main" java.rmi.ServerException:
      RemoteException occurred in server thread; nested excep
      tion is:
       [java] java.rmi.ServerException: EJBException:; nested
      exception is:
       [java] javax.ejb.EJBException: failed
       [java] at
       [java] at
       [java] at
      java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(Native Method)
       [java] at
       [java] ... 25 more
       [java] Java Result: 1
      Total time: 3 seconds

      any help appreciated, regards


      p.s. it can be safely assumed that line wrappings are correct,
      despite of wrong appearance above.