4 Replies Latest reply on Aug 3, 2007 12:27 PM by tomarenz

    SuggestionBox non working together with Trinidad


      Hi, subject says all. My debugger shows that method autocomplete is reached at each keypress, however the dropdown on the page does not appear. Server reports at each keypress:

      3-ago-2007 10.19.44 org.apache.myfaces.trinidadinternal.io.DebugResponseWriter _checkDuplicateAttribute
      WARNING: Attribute "class" output twice; writing attribute as "duplicate_class" instead.

      Whatever it means. Any idea ?

        • 1. Re: SuggestionBox non working together with Trinidad

          duplicated classes - is an old bug - please update your version to latest. And check a4j:log to look for the reason of the falling popup updating.

          • 2. Re: SuggestionBox non working together with Trinidad

            Really old ? I'm using richfaces-3.0.2-20070620.002147-16.jar + ajax4jsf-1.1.2-20070622.014313-41.jar.
            Now I tried with latest snapshot richfaces-3.0.2-20070803.000153-48.jar.
            Same result: same warning and no suggestion dropdown.
            I will investigate about a4j:log, I don't know it at all.

            • 3. Re: SuggestionBox non working together with Trinidad

              Btw, I tried also the very latest snapshot of ajax4jsf. Same result.
              I followed the rendering through my debugger. The way it's handled in AttributeElement class makes me believing that this issue was never solved - the class attribute is output twice.

              • 4. Re: SuggestionBox non working together with Trinidad

                Well, after a long debugging session, I found two issues here:

                - if the suggestion box is in a table, then it cannot work since during ajax request processing the component id is assembled the wrong way. Basically, since nobody set up rowIndex (-1), then the row index segment of the id will be missing. Then client-side response processing will fail since unmatching any dom id (see A4J.AJAX.processResponse). I guess this concerns any ajax request coming from a component located in a table or in any iterating component.

                - in any case, all rows of the returned suggestion table will have a wrong class (see original posting), thus client-side processing will not recognize them. It searches for class "richfaces_suggestionEntry" (see Suggestion.Base.updateChoices), which - in case there is Trinidad around - is renamed to duplicated_class.
                This is an ajax4jsf issue, though.