1 2 Previous Next 18 Replies Latest reply on Mar 21, 2007 4:59 PM by clebert.suconic Go to original post
      • 15. Re: Test cases take a long time

        Right. This is what I would expect.

        This test passed for the 1.2.GA release and we haven't changed anything in that area since then.

        • 16. Re: Test cases take a long time

          I think it's just some misconfiguration on my end. The fact that it blocks after exactly 300 connections every time suggests that there is some kind of limit I'm hitting. I'll try investigating it on my own and report here anything I find.

          Forgot to mention, I'm running Windows XP SP2.

          • 17. Re: Test cases take a long time

            The problem goes away on JDK 1.5 (I used JDK 1.6 originally). I've enabled logs and found that this is what happens:

            1. First 300 open/close pairs proceed without any delay.

            It seems that JBoss Remoting tries to pool threads processing connections and 300 is the thread pool size. There seems to be some kind of a leak here in that the sockets are not closed when JBoss Messaging is done with the connections. I don't know yet whether Messaging or Remoting is responsible for it.

            2. After the first 300 connections have been established, the thread pool is full, thus the 301st createConnection call blocks.

            3. After 1 minute has passed, JRE 1.5 runs finalizers that clean up the resources, freeing the 300 threads and allowing the test to proceed for the next 300 connections.

            JRE 1.6 does not run finalizers at this point (don't know the reason), thus under JRE 1.6 the test hangs indefinitely.

            Thus there are three one-minute pauses during the test (after the 300th, 600th, and 900th iteration) on JDK 1.5, leading to the 3,5 minutes running time.

            • 18. Re: Test cases take a long time

              I don't know why it worked on jvm 5 and not on 6..

              But Remoting is fixing some memory leaks on bisocket....

              I'm testing this with the new remoting, and this test took 60 seconds to complete with jvm 1.4.

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