5 Replies Latest reply on Aug 17, 2007 11:14 PM by icai

    rich simpleTogglePanel question



      I want to use simpleTogglePanel to show some set of links. I can do this smoothly. But I need to have few more additions to the panel HEADER. I used headerClass attribute to get a header style(basically a header text over an Image)

      First I need to add the tooltip to header whenever user mouse overs on it.
      I added a tooltip on onMouseOver event but tooltip is shown for entire simpleTogglePanel area. Its not restrained only till header.

      Second, is it possible to add my own image for collapse/expand. I need to overwrite the default image with one of other images.

      Any pointers will be a greate help!
      Thanks in advance!

        • 1. Re: rich simpleTogglePanel question

          First - as far as I understand - you put the tooltip just inside heade? Try to put it to h:panelGroup wrapper inside header.

          Answer to your next questions after return to work ;)

          • 2. Re: rich simpleTogglePanel question

            Thank for replying !
            Header class is a css style. So you are telling to use h:panelgrid inside simpleTogglePanel?
            I tried this:

            <rich:simpleTogglePanel switchType="ajax" action="#{backing_KnowMngmtBean.showHideKnowMngmt}" opened="false" width="1007" height="120">
             <h:panelGrid headerClass="sect_subheader_borders" >
             <f:facet name="header" >
             <h:outputText value="Knowledge Management" />

            But the ">>" image is not lying on the header. When the page loads I can see only ">>", Now when I click it I see the header.

            Am I approaching the solution in wrong way??

            So now there are two questions for you ... !
            :-) (I am sorry for that)

            • 3. Re: rich simpleTogglePanel question

              1) to change header content - use "header" facet
              2) to change "<<" icons for both states - use "openMarker" and "closeMarker" Facets.

              3).. ToolTip - under exploration.

              • 4. Re: rich simpleTogglePanel question

                I've added tooltip by:

                 <rich:simpleTogglePanel opened="false" width="300px" switchType="client">
                 <f:facet name="header">
                 <h:panelGroup id="group">
                 <h:outputText value="Header"/>
                 <h:outputText value="Hello"></h:outputText>

                • 5. Re: rich simpleTogglePanel question

                  Thats a great help, Thanks for taking time to reply!