1 Reply Latest reply on Aug 15, 2007 10:53 PM by sergeysmirnov



      I have a requirement to extend the SuggestionBox component. I need to be able to fetch 2 different values from the Suggest Box.

      I want to have the SuggestBox populate a text box with a name (String field). and also populate a hidden field with the corresponding ID.

      Is it possible to do this?

      I was trying to find the source code for org.richfaces.component.html.HtmlSuggestionBox

      but can only find the source for

      where is the source for HthmlSuggestionBox?


        • 1. Re: SuggestionBox

          Richfaces components are developed with CDK (Component Developer Kit) where most parts are generated. HthmlSuggestionBox is 100% generated.

          Read the wiki how to use CDK (It is very easy)