3 Replies Latest reply on Dec 12, 2008 1:21 AM by clebert.suconic

    Replicate Deliveries on ServerConsumerImpl


      I wrote a Failover test that is sending 100 messages to a live node and consuming all on the live node. (i.e. I have the backup configured, but I don't fail the connection).

      As I ACK the messages, I'm getting several errors on not finding the MessageId on ServerConsumerImpl::deliveringRefs.

      After some investigation I found out that deliverReplicated is calling doHandle, and doHandle is checking for credits, even though this is documented:

      // We call doHandle rather than handle, since we don't want to check available credits
       // This is because delivery and receive credits can be processed in different order on live
       // and backup, and otherwise we could have a situation where the delivery is replicated
       // but the credits haven't arrived yet, so the delivery gets rejected on backup
       HandleStatus handled = doHandle(ref);

      private HandleStatus doHandle(final MessageReference ref) throws Exception
       if (availableCredits != null && availableCredits.get() <= 0)
       return HandleStatus.BUSY;
       // If there is a pendingLargeMessage we can't take another message
       // This has to be checked inside the lock as the set to null is done inside the lock
       if (largeMessageSender != null)
       return HandleStatus.BUSY;

      I'm getting several exceptions like:

      if (handled != HandleStatus.HANDLED)
       throw new IllegalStateException("Reference was not handled " + ref + " " + handled);

      and several others on not finding the MessageId.

      Why deliverReplicated needs to actually call handle? Shouldn't instead just adding it to the list and eventually performing preCommit?