0 Replies Latest reply on Apr 15, 2009 4:45 AM by ron_sigal

    Remoting 2.5.1


      Hi guys,

      I've just tagged Remoting 2.5.1 for AS 5.1.0.CR1. There's a jboss-remoting jar at

      * http://repository.jboss.com/jboss/remoting/2.5.1/lib/

      and a jboss-remoting-2.5.1.jar at

      * https://svn.jboss.org/repos/repository.jboss.org/maven2/org/jboss/remoting/jboss-remoting/2.5.1/ .

      The new version has several JBossMessaging related fixes that have arisen in support cases lately. As Howard well knows. :)

      The one change needed in JBossMessaging (that Howard hasn't, as far as I know, already done), is this: ServerConnectionEndpoint.closeCallbackClient() should call


      instead of

