1. Re: Where is the DDL for Messaging?
peterj May 11, 2009 3:01 PM (in response to andy.miller)Modifying the hsqldb file is not recommended - you should use the mysql-persistence.xml file instead. I noticed that JBoss AS 5.1.0.CR1 doesn't have this file yet, but you can get it from http://anonsvn.jboss.org/repos/messaging/tags/JBossMessaging_1_4_3_GA/integration/AS5/etc/server/default/deploy/mysql-persistence-service.xml.
In that file you will see this line:
2. Re: Where is the DDL for Messaging?
peterj May 11, 2009 3:03 PM (in response to andy.miller)Actually, for each of the CREATE TABLE lines you will see the "ENGINE = INNODB" property.
3. Re: Where is the DDL for Messaging?
timfox May 11, 2009 3:05 PM (in response to andy.miller)All those files should be in the AS 5.1 distro.
If they're not it's a colossal cockup. -
4. Re: Where is the DDL for Messaging?
andy.miller May 11, 2009 3:11 PM (in response to andy.miller)Sorry for the post. I kept looking and I found what I needed in the documentation. I'm not sure how I missed it, but I kept digging and eventually found it.
I would say one thing though. The documentation references examples where you can find this stuff in the distribution, but they are not in any of the AS 5.1 downloads (either the BETA or CR).
So, it would be easier if they were still included in the examples of the AS distribution.
Thanks. -
5. Re: Where is the DDL for Messaging?
peterj May 11, 2009 3:13 PM (in response to andy.miller)The *-persistence-service.xml files were never part of the 5.0.0 beta or CR distributions either - I guess I have come to just expect them to not be there for betas or CRs and just to miraculously show up in GA. ;-)
6. Re: Where is the DDL for Messaging?
timfox May 11, 2009 3:17 PM (in response to andy.miller)The files should certainly be in the distribution.
I'll ask Clebert/ Howard to investigate as they did the integration for AS 5 -
7. Re: Where is the DDL for Messaging?
andy.miller May 11, 2009 3:33 PM (in response to andy.miller)"timfox" wrote:
The files should certainly be in the distribution.
I'll ask Clebert/ Howard to investigate as they did the integration for AS 5
Great, and thanks. -
8. Re: Where is the DDL for Messaging?
clebert.suconic May 11, 2009 4:02 PM (in response to andy.miller)I just looked into 5.0.1.GA and the DDLs are there. I just built 5.0.1.GA from the TAG and they are at /jboss-5.0.1.GA/docs/examples/jms.
I'm investigating to what happened to them between 5.0 and 5.1.
I may need to talk to Howard. -
9. Re: Where is the DDL for Messaging?
clebert.suconic May 11, 2009 10:13 PM (in response to andy.miller) -
10. Re: Where is the DDL for Messaging?
clebert.suconic May 11, 2009 10:18 PM (in response to andy.miller)This thread is becoming a DevThread now...
I'm moving it to the dev-forums. -
11. Re: Where is the DDL for Messaging?
clebert.suconic May 11, 2009 10:23 PM (in response to andy.miller)I've just asked this on the jboss-dev-list.
12. Re: Where is the DDL for Messaging?
gaohoward May 11, 2009 10:44 PM (in response to andy.miller)I remember after 5.0 GA, I have emailed the AS guys for add the JBM examples for AS 5 as they are specifically for AS 5, not for standalone JBM releases. This will benefit both user and release process. At that time I received some questions about if the doc/examples is the good place, and I answered let's put there until we found a better place. And I didn't received a veto since. So I went on and added them. I don't know for a while why they disappeared. Maybe the better place is nowhere? :)
13. Re: Where is the DDL for Messaging?
timfox May 12, 2009 4:42 AM (in response to andy.miller)Not sure what you mean by "the better place is nowhere".
I'm not so worried about the examples, but the DDL must be there, otherwise users who want to use another database than HSQL will have to get it from JBM SVN, which is clearly wrong in my book. -
14. Re: Where is the DDL for Messaging?
clebert.suconic May 12, 2009 10:58 AM (in response to andy.miller)I just updated jb5 after Dimitris changes and was double checking the output:
clebert@MYBOX:/projects/JBoss5/build/output/jboss-5.1.0.GA/docs/examples/jms$ ls clustered-hsqldb-persistence-service.xml mssql-persistence-service.xml oracle-persistence-service.xml remoting-sslbisocket-service.xml db2-persistence-service.xml mysql-persistence-service.xml postgresql-persistence-service.xml sybase-persistence-service.xml example-destinations-service.xml ndb-persistence-service.xml remoting-bisocket-service.xml hsqldb-persistence-service.xml null-persistence-service.xml remoting-http-service.xml