1. Re: Large Messages and the JMS Bridge
clebert.suconic Jul 23, 2009 11:22 AM (in response to clebert.suconic)I will choose option I - allowing Flie Consumers as an option.
It will be different than what I had before there. Before you would require it in order to receive large messages without blowing the memory. But now this would be optional. -
2. Re: Large Messages and the JMS Bridge
clebert.suconic Jul 23, 2009 11:53 AM (in response to clebert.suconic)There is a field directory on ClientConsumerImpl that will be used for this.
I told Tim Fox the other day to get rid of it, but I will find use for it now. -
3. Re: Large Messages and the JMS Bridge
clebert.suconic Jul 28, 2009 11:27 AM (in response to clebert.suconic)We had a relevant conversation about this today on the IRC, and I wanted to keep a record of it here:
"Clebert, Andy and Jeff on IRC" wrote:
(10:15:18 AM) clebert: Cache on LargeMessage
(10:15:24 AM) clebert: the way I implemented is...
(10:15:34 AM) clebert: I added a new attribute on the SessionFactory and ConnectionFactory
(10:15:42 AM) clebert: cacheLargeMessageClient
(10:15:45 AM) clebert: with default = false
(10:16:07 AM) clebert: if that is set, the LargeMessageBuffer will use a temporary file (on the TempDir) to hold on the large message content
(10:16:19 AM) clebert: tempDir = File.createTempFile()
(10:16:29 AM) clebert: the file is marked to be deleted after exit
(10:16:36 AM) clebert: and finalize will also delete the temp file
(10:16:48 AM) clebert: that will be probably used only on the bridge... or if the user needs it
(10:16:58 AM) clebert: I only need to document it now
(10:17:07 AM) AndyTaylor: clebert: so the message will stay in temp for the user to obtain
(10:17:30 AM) clebert: AndyTaylor: LargeMessages are usually a stream of packets...
(10:17:35 AM) clebert: if that property is true...
(10:17:39 AM) clebert: there will be a file on the client...
(10:17:48 AM) clebert: so if the user moves the buffer back, it will recover the content from the file
(10:18:05 AM) clebert: otherwise it' s not possible to move a largemessage buffer back, since it would be a streaming otherwise
(10:18:12 AM) AndyTaylor: clebert: ok i see.
(10:18:22 AM) jmesnil: clebert: do you think it is worth to have a example with a cached large message?
(10:19:05 AM) clebert: jmesnil: I' m not sure... I would prefer users not using that feature... only letting it for cases where you need to cache the message (i.e., the Bridge)
(10:19:16 AM) AndyTaylor: clebert: +1, i agree
(10:19:17 AM) clebert: jmesnil: I' m not 100% sure
(10:19:25 AM) AndyTaylor: clebert: internal use only
(10:19:26 AM) jmesnil: clebert: ok, it's more an "internal" feature
(10:19:54 AM) clebert: jmesnil: allthough I would need to set the attribute for the Bridge
(10:19:59 AM) clebert: on the CF used by the Bridge
(10:20:10 AM) clebert: maybe I would only set it on the JMSBridge
(10:20:38 AM) jmesnil: clebert: on the core bridge too?
(10:21:05 AM) clebert: jmesnil: no... the core bridge deals with ServerMessage which has the File on it already
(10:21:17 AM) jmesnil: clebert: ah, ok
(10:21:26 AM) clebert: jmesnil: I will double check it though -
4. Re: Large Messages and the JMS Bridge
timfox Aug 2, 2009 7:42 AM (in response to clebert.suconic)Can you add some tests to make make sure this works with core bridges too?
5. Re: Large Messages and the JMS Bridge
timfox Aug 7, 2009 7:02 AM (in response to clebert.suconic)Did you add the tests to make sure this works with core bridges too?
6. Re: Large Messages and the JMS Bridge
clebert.suconic Aug 7, 2009 9:50 AM (in response to clebert.suconic)org.jboss.messaging.tests.integration.cluster.bridge.BridgeTest already test for LargeMessages.
Also, LargeMessage on core bridge is treated on the server's side using ServerMessage. Hence it wasn't needed to change anything.