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1. Re: JBoss Messaging and App Server
gaohoward Aug 26, 2009 10:34 AM (in response to dorothy)JBoss App 5.x comes with JBoss Messaging. but it doesn't prevent you from using other products IMO.
2. Re: JBoss Messaging and App Server
clebert.suconic Aug 28, 2009 11:44 AM (in response to dorothy)HornetQ can be used in other applications servers. We have provided our own JCA adapter.
We have basically tested it into JBAS only, but I have reports of an user using it for instance on OpenEJB. We should do some tests with other application servers before GA.
I would say JBoss Messaging is more dependent on JBAS due to the library dependencies. While HornetQ is totally independent.
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