1 Reply Latest reply on Oct 15, 2003 1:59 AM by ioparra

    EARDeployer recommendation(application.xml deployment orderi


      Currently, the EARDeployer creates a J2eeApplicationMetaData from the application.xml. This metadata loads the xml into a modules set(hashset) and returns its Iterator to the EARDeployer to deploy each component.

      Can anyone see a reason the set MUST be a hashset? If it is an arraylist, then the order of deployment is the order that exists in the application.xml. Currently, the deployment order is up to the hashset implementation.

      Personally, it makes sense that the order of deployment should be the order in application.xml. And the fix seems SO simple.



      Code for Jboss3.2.1,

        • 1. Re: EARDeployer recommendation(application.xml deployment or

          Someone pointed out that it can be done in the depends clause of the jboss.xml for the ejb by specify the JMX name dependency. Also the fix isn't as trivial as it seemed.

          I think it's great that we can have individual beans have dependency on other beans. Because of that, I don't know if having this ordiner in the application.xml is "such a hot idea".

          Trying to my life easier