2 Replies Latest reply on Oct 26, 2004 9:18 AM by 760613

    java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError where to put classes ???


      Please Im in desperate need for knowing where to put my classes !

      I ve tried many different ways but allways fails with a NoClassDefFoundError

      I ve classes that I want to access from my beans, I bundle the application in an EAR.

      I ve tryed this with my EAR:
      * put all classes in APP-INF/classes
      * added all classes to a client-jar and put it to the APP-INF/lib
      * put the client-jar in the / root
      * put the client-jar in the lib/
      * modified the MANIFEST.MF with a Class-Path: ./lib/client-jar.jar
      * modified the application.xml with a module tag
      * and so on...

      Nothing works!!! I know that the client-jar.jar file is "good" while I ve put it in the server/default/lib directory and it works fine.
      But I want it to be in my EAR !!

      PLEASE HELP ME OUT.. I ve really tried many different ways!

      Thank you very very much!