npdavis Apr 16, 2004 2:17 PMAll,
I am building a Jboss cluster aware perl module for our legacy apps to take advantage of JBoss clustering and failover by listening to the UDP broadcasts, to maintain a near realtime list of available nodes.
What is the possibility of me getting the datagram spec?
If this is inappropriate for this list, I'll re-post on the user list.
I have a UDP client eavesdropping on the broadcasts (really cool!!!) but don't know where to start with parsing these datagrams. See below.
This module will be extremely useful to people who want to plop a Jboss cluster in their DMZ and take advantage of the cutting edge tech in Jboss, without rewriting all of their apps.
Once perl is done, I will be doing a php port, then a c library (with appropriate updates to the perl and php modules) If I can somehow work with this data. I could do a regex on split arrays, but need a beginning and end for each message.
Any way of getting a spec which defines these messages, fields, and meanings?
Or alternatively, a list of libraries so I can figure it out from the source?
I am unsure of how to digest these messages.
(slightly adjusted example from CPAN) #!/usr/bin/perl -w # client use strict; use IO::Socket::Multicast; use IO::Socket::INET; use constant GROUP => ''; use constant PORT => '45566'; my $sock = IO::Socket::Multicast->new(Proto=>'udp',LocalPort=>PORT); $sock->mcast_add(GROUP) || die "Couldn't set group: $!\n"; while (1) { my $data; next unless $sock->recv($data,1024); print $data; }
To me it looks like a fixed width with some control characters.
Sample from raw print:
VT102UDPDefaultPartitionNAKACK 0220¬ÃÂÂwRä±þ¡¡I2161.161.73.50:1099STABLEr[Lorg.jgroups.Address; fñQqÃÂÂ�Mxpsrrg.jgroups.stack.IpAddressÆ»ß5a0F xpw¡¡I%¡¡I2161.161.73.50:1099xwz UDPDefaultPartitionNAKACK 0220¬ÃÂÂwRä±þ¡¡I%[Lorg.jgroups.Address; fñQqÃÂÂ�Mxpsrrg.jgroups.stack.IpAddressÆ»ß5a0F xpw¡¡I%¡¡I2161.161.73.50:1099xwzÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ VT102VT102 pwUDPDefaultPartition0220¬ÃÂÂwRä±þ¡¡I%[Lorg.jgroups.Address; fñQqÃÂÂ�Mxpsrrg.jgroups.stack.IpAddressÆ»ß5a0F xpw¡¡I%¡¡I2161.161.73.50:1099xwz pwUDPDefaultPartition0220¬ÃÂÂwRä±þ¡¡I2161.161.73.50:1099STABLEr[Lorg.jgroups.Address; fñQqÃÂÂ�Mxpsrrg.jgroups.stack.IpAddressÆ»ß5a0F xpw¡¡I%16VT102VT102VT102VT102VT1021.161.73.37:1099xsq~w¡¡I2161.161.73.50:1099xwzÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ pwUDPDefaultPartition0220¬ÃÂÂwRä±þ¡¡I2161.161.73.50:1099STABLEr[Lorg.jgroups.Address; fñQqÃÂÂ�Mxpsrrg.jgroups.stack.IpAddressÆ»ß5a0F xpw¡¡I%¡¡I2161.161.73.50UDPDefaultPartitionVT102VT102VT102VT102VT102NAKACK0220¬ÃÂÂwRä±þ¡¡I2161.161.73.50:1099STABLEr[Lorg.jgroups.Address; fñQqÃÂÂ�Mxpsrrg.jgroups.stack.IpAddressÆ»ß5a0F xpw¡¡I%¡¡I2161.161.73.50:1099xwz UDPDefaultPartitionNAKACK0220¬ÃÂÂwRä±þ¡¡I%[Lorg.jgroups.Address; fñQqÃÂÂ�Mxpsrrg.jgroups.stack.IpAddressÆ»ß5a0F xpw¡¡I%¡¡I2161.161.73.50:1099xwzÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ pwUDPDefaultPartition0220¬ÃÂÂwRä±þ¡¡I%[Lorg.jgroups.Address; fñQVT102VT102VT102VT102qÃÂÂ�Mxpsrrg.jgroups.stack.IpAddressÆ»ß5a0F xpw¡¡I%¬ÃÂÂwRä±þ¡¡I2161.161.73.50:1099STABLEr[Lorg.jgroups.Address;7:109fñQqÃÂÂ�Mxpsrrg.jgroups.stack.IpAddressÆ»ß5a0F xpw¡¡I%¡¡I2161.161.73.50pwUDPDefaultPartitVT102VT102VT102VT102VT102VT102VT102VT102ion0220¬ÃÂÂwPä±þ¡¡I%
Are these objects or text messages?