1 Reply Latest reply on Sep 1, 2004 12:51 PM by belaban

    Problem with tx in TreeCacheMBean


      Hi There,

      I used the TreeCache as MBean in Jboss 3.2.4 with JbossCache (cvs head).
      There seems to be a problem using UserTransactions in this config.
      The cache is configured with the following params:

      <attribute name="TransactionManagerLookupClass">org.jboss.cache.JBossTransactionManagerLookup</attribute>
       <attribute name="IsolationLevel">SERIALIZABLE</attribute>
       <attribute name="CacheMode">REPL_SYNC</attribute>

      I have modified the Bank-Example and pack it into a Stateless EJB using
      few "invokes" to call the TreeCacheMBean ("put" and "get" only). A little
      junit-test like ConcurrentUnitTestCase.java to test it (calls the "txTest"-
      Method in the bean via RMI).

      And that's the problem:
      It seems the SERIALIZABLE - Option in the Cache- Config does not work.
      I extend the Debug- log from Jboss- Cache with the Thread.getCurrentThread() -
      Method and found that more then one threads took access on one Node
      at one Time. There seems to be no isolation between the different transactions.

      I could not found problems in my code. Is there a bug in JBossCache?

      The used EJB as follow:

      package samples;
      import javax.ejb.CreateException;
      import javax.management.ObjectName;
      import javax.management.MBeanServer;
      import javax.transaction.UserTransaction;
      import org.jboss.cache.lock.LockingException;
      import org.jboss.cache.lock.TimeoutException;
      import org.jboss.mx.util.MBeanServerLocator;
      import org.apache.log4j.*;
       * @ejb.bean
       * type="Stateless"
       * name="JBossCacheTest"
       * jndi-name="ejb/JBossCacheTest"
       * local-jndi-name="ejb/local/JBossCacheTest"
       * view-type="both"
       * transaction-type="Bean"
       * @ejb.interface generate="local,remote"
       * extends="javax.ejb.EJBObject"
       * local-extends="javax.ejb.EJBLocalObject"
       * remote-pattern="JBossCacheTest"
       * local-pattern="JBossCacheTestLocal"
       * @ejb.home generate="true"
       * extends="javax.ejb.EJBHome"
       * local-extends="javax.ejb.EJBLocalHome"
       * remote-pattern="JBossCacheTestHome"
       * local-pattern="JBossCacheTestLocalHome"
       * @ejb.transaction type="Supports"
       * @jboss.container-configuration name="Standard Stateless SessionBean"
      public class JBossCacheTestEJB implements javax.ejb.SessionBean, javax.transaction.Status
       MBeanServer server = null;
       ObjectName cacheService = null;
       static final String OBJECT_NAME = "jboss.cache:service=TreeCache";
       private static Logger logger_ = Logger.getLogger(JBossCacheTestEJB.class);
       final String NODE = "/cachetest";
       final int ROLLBACK_CHANCE = 100;
       static String customer[] = {"cu1", "cu2", "cu3"};
       public javax.ejb.SessionContext sctx;
       public void ejbCreate()
       public void ejbActivate () throws javax.ejb.EJBException, java.rmi.RemoteException
       public void ejbPassivate () throws javax.ejb.EJBException, java.rmi.RemoteException
       public void ejbRemove () throws javax.ejb.EJBException, java.rmi.RemoteException
       public void setSessionContext (javax.ejb.SessionContext sessionContext) throws javax.ejb.EJBException, java.rmi.RemoteException
       sctx = sessionContext;
       catch(Exception e)
       * @ejb.interface-method
       public int txTest(int iTestLoops)
       int iErr = 0;
       UserTransaction tx = sctx.getUserTransaction();
       out("got utx (" + tx + ")");
       // initializing tree if iTestLoops == 0 or nodes don't exists
       if(this.get(NODE) == null || iTestLoops == 0)
       this.put(NODE, "cu1", new Integer(1000));
       this.put(NODE, "cu2", new Integer(1000));
       this.put(NODE, "cu3", new Integer(1000));
       catch(Exception e)
       iErr = -2;
       return iErr;
       private void runTest(int iTestLoops)
       int count = 3;
       UserTransaction tx = null;
       boolean again = false;
       int src = 0;
       int dst = 0;
       int amo = 0;
       int cnt =0;
       while(cnt < iTestLoops)
       tx = sctx.getUserTransaction();
      // out("got utx (" + tx + ")");
       src = (int) (Math.random()*count);
       dst = (int) (Math.random()*(count-1));
       amo =1+ (int) (Math.random()*20);
       if(dst>=src) dst++;
       int sum = deposit(customer[src], customer[dst], amo, tx);
       if(tx.getStatus() == STATUS_ACTIVE)
       if(sum != 3000) throw new Exception("sum failure (sum = " + sum + ", cnt = " + cnt + ")");
       else /* if(tx.getStatus() == STATUS_MARKED_ROLLBACK) */
       again = false;
       catch(Throwable e)
       again = true;
       catch (Throwable t)
       * Posting
       public int deposit(String from, String to, int amount, UserTransaction tx) throws Exception
       out("deposit("+from+", "+to+", "+amount+") called.");
       int act1, act2;
       act1 = ((Integer) this.get(NODE, from)).intValue();
       act2 = ((Integer) this.get(NODE, to)).intValue();
       // eventually rollback the transaction
       if((int)(Math.random() * ROLLBACK_CHANCE) == 0)
       out("!!!manually set rollback ("+from+", "+to+", "+amount+").");
       throw new Exception("Manually set rollback!");
       this.put(NODE, from, new Integer(act1-amount)); // debit
       this.put(NODE, to, new Integer(act2+amount)); // credit
       catch(Exception e)
       out("exception - rollback ("+from+", "+to+", "+amount+")");
       // close resources aquired safely
       int i0 = ((Integer) this.get(NODE, customer[0])).intValue();
       int i1 = ((Integer) this.get(NODE, customer[1])).intValue();
       int i2 = ((Integer) this.get(NODE, customer[2])).intValue();
       int sum = i0 + i1 + i2;
       out("deposit("+from+", "+to+", "+amount+") finished. (sum = " + sum + " = " +i0 + " + " + i1 + " + " + i2 + ")");
       return sum;
       * retrieving amounts of accounts
       private void out(String s)
       logger_.info("Thread[" + Thread.currentThread() + "]: " + s);
       private void getTreeCacheMBean() throws Exception
       cacheService = new ObjectName(OBJECT_NAME);
       server = MBeanServerLocator.locate();
       catch (Exception ex)
       throw new CreateException(ex.toString());
       // wrapper methods for MBean calls
       * @param fqn
       * @param key
       * @return
       * @throws LockingException
       * @throws TimeoutException
       private Object get(String fqn, String key) throws LockingException, TimeoutException, Exception
       return server.invoke(cacheService, "get",
       new Object[]{fqn, key},
       new String[]{String.class.getName(),
       * @param fqn
       * @return
       * @throws LockingException
       * @throws TimeoutException
       private org.jboss.cache.Node get(String fqn) throws LockingException, TimeoutException, Exception
       return (org.jboss.cache.Node) (server.invoke(cacheService, "get",
       new Object[]{fqn},
       new String[]{String.class.getName()}));
       * @param fqn
       * @param key
       * @param value
       * @throws Exception
       private void put(String fqn, String key, Object value) throws Exception
       Object[] args = {fqn, key, value};
       String[] sig = {String.class.getName(),
       server.invoke(cacheService, "put", args, sig);

      the code of the tester:

       * JBoss, the OpenSource J2EE webOS
       * Distributable under LGPL license.
       * See terms of license at gnu.org.
      package samples.test;
      import junit.framework.Test;
      import junit.framework.TestCase;
      import junit.framework.TestSuite;
      import org.jboss.cache.TreeCache;
      import org.jboss.cache.lock.IsolationLevel;
      import org.jboss.logging.Logger;
      import samples.*;
       * Unit test Remote TreeCache in Application Server
      public class ConcurrentUnitTestCase extends TestCase
       private Logger logger_ = Logger.getLogger(ConcurrentUnitTestCase.class);
       public class rmiThread extends Thread
       private JBossCacheTest jbossCacheTest = null;
       private void connect(String sServeradressRMI)
       logger_.info("connecting to <" + sServeradressRMI + ">");
       java.util.Properties props = new java.util.Properties();
       props.setProperty("java.naming.factory.initial", "org.jnp.interfaces.NamingContextFactory");
       props.setProperty("java.naming.provider.url", sServeradressRMI);
       props.setProperty("java.naming.factory.url.pkgs", "org.jboss.naming");
       javax.naming.InitialContext iC = new javax.naming.InitialContext(props);
       Object home = iC.lookup(JBossCacheTestHome.JNDI_NAME);
       JBossCacheTestHome home_ =(JBossCacheTestHome)javax.rmi.PortableRemoteObject.narrow(home, JBossCacheTestHome.class);
       jbossCacheTest = home_.create();
       catch(Exception e)
       public void run()
       connect(System.getProperty("RMITestServer", "localhost:1099"));
       catch(Exception e)
       public ConcurrentUnitTestCase(String name)
       public void setUp() throws Exception
       public void tearDown() throws Exception
       public void test_1()
       catch(Exception e)
       private void work_()
       rmiThread one, two, three;
       one = new rmiThread();
       two = new rmiThread();
       three = new rmiThread();
       catch (Exception e)
       void log(String msg)
       logger_.debug(" [" + Thread.currentThread() + "]: " + msg);
       public static Test suite()
       return new TestSuite(ConcurrentUnitTestCase.class);
       public static void main(String[] args)

      and the part of the log that shows overlapping transactions as I understand it:

      2004-05-11 17:54:01,409 INFO [samples.JBossCacheTestEJB] Thread[Thread[RMI TCP Connection(6)-,5,RMI Runtime]]: deposit(cu3, cu1, 3) called.
      2004-05-11 17:54:01,409 DEBUG [org.jboss.cache.TreeCache] Thread[RMI TCP Connection(5)-,5,RMI Runtime]get(, "/cachetest", cu3, "975, "true")
      2004-05-11 17:54:01,409 DEBUG [org.jboss.cache.TreeCache] Thread[RMI TCP Connection(6)-,5,RMI Runtime]getCurrentTransaction(): registered with transaction TransactionImpl:XidImpl [FormatId=257, GlobalId=test-pc//60, BranchQual=] as Synchronization listener with global transaction: <test-pc:4356>:52
      2004-05-11 17:54:01,409 DEBUG [org.jboss.cache.TreeCache] Thread[RMI TCP Connection(5)-,5,RMI Runtime]_put(<test-pc:4356>:50, "/cachetest", cu2, 1044)
      2004-05-11 17:54:01,409 DEBUG [org.jboss.cache.Node] Thread[RMI TCP Connection(5)-,5,RMI Runtime]acquired WL: fqn=/cachetest, owner=<test-pc:4356>:50, lock=org.jboss.cache.lock.IdentityLock@be0446
      2004-05-11 17:54:01,409 DEBUG [org.jboss.cache.TreeCache] Thread[RMI TCP Connection(5)-,5,RMI Runtime]_put(<test-pc:4356>:50, "/cachetest", cu3, 982)
      2004-05-11 17:54:01,409 DEBUG [org.jboss.cache.Node] Thread[RMI TCP Connection(5)-,5,RMI Runtime]acquired WL: fqn=/cachetest, owner=<test-pc:4356>:50, lock=org.jboss.cache.lock.IdentityLock@be0446
      2004-05-11 17:54:01,409 DEBUG [org.jboss.cache.TreeCache] Thread[RMI TCP Connection(5)-,5,RMI Runtime]get(, "/cachetest", cu1, "974, "true")
      2004-05-11 17:54:01,409 DEBUG [org.jboss.cache.TreeCache] Thread[RMI TCP Connection(5)-,5,RMI Runtime]get(, "/cachetest", cu2, "1044, "true")
      2004-05-11 17:54:01,409 DEBUG [org.jboss.cache.TreeCache] Thread[RMI TCP Connection(5)-,5,RMI Runtime]get(, "/cachetest", cu3, "982, "true")
      2004-05-11 17:54:01,409 INFO [samples.JBossCacheTestEJB] Thread[Thread[RMI TCP Connection(5)-,5,RMI Runtime]]: deposit(cu2, cu3, 7) finished. (sum = 3000 = 974 + 1044 + 982)
      2004-05-11 17:54:01,409 DEBUG [org.jboss.cache.TreeCache] runPreparePhase(): run remote prepare with async mode: false commit: false and coordinator: test-pc:4356
      2004-05-11 17:54:01,409 DEBUG [org.jboss.cache.TreeCache] Thread[RMI TCP Connection(5)-,5,RMI Runtime]callRemoteMethods(): destination list is empty, discarding call
      2004-05-11 17:54:01,409 DEBUG [org.jboss.cache.TreeCache] Thread[RMI TCP Connection(5)-,5,RMI Runtime]afterCompletion() called (status=COMMITTED)
      2004-05-11 17:54:01,409 DEBUG [org.jboss.cache.TreeCache] Thread[RMI TCP Connection(5)-,5,RMI Runtime]callRemoteMethods(): destination list is empty, discarding call
      2004-05-11 17:54:01,409 DEBUG [org.jboss.cache.TreeCache] Thread[RMI TCP Connection(5)-,5,RMI Runtime]commit(): called to commit cache with gtx <test-pc:4356>:50
      2004-05-11 17:54:01,409 DEBUG [org.jboss.cache.TreeCache] Thread[RMI TCP Connection(5)-,5,RMI Runtime]commit(): releasing lock org.jboss.cache.lock.IdentityLock@be0446
      2004-05-11 17:54:01,409 DEBUG [org.jboss.cache.TreeCache] Thread[RMI TCP Connection(5)-,5,RMI Runtime]commit(): remove local transaction key TransactionImpl:XidImpl [FormatId=257, GlobalId=test-pc//58, BranchQual=]
      2004-05-11 17:54:01,409 DEBUG [org.jboss.cache.TreeCache] Thread[RMI TCP Connection(4)-,5,RMI Runtime]get(, "/cachetest", cu3, "982, "true")
      2004-05-11 17:54:01,409 INFO [samples.JBossCacheTestEJB] Thread[Thread[RMI TCP Connection(5)-,5,RMI Runtime]]: deposit(cu2, cu1, 10) called.
      2004-05-11 17:54:01,409 DEBUG [org.jboss.cache.TreeCache] Thread[RMI TCP Connection(4)-,5,RMI Runtime]get(, "/cachetest", cu2, "1044, "true")
      2004-05-11 17:54:01,409 DEBUG [org.jboss.cache.TreeCache] Thread[RMI TCP Connection(5)-,5,RMI Runtime]getCurrentTransaction(): registered with transaction TransactionImpl:XidImpl [FormatId=257, GlobalId=test-pc//61, BranchQual=] as Synchronization listener with global transaction: <test-pc:4356>:53
      2004-05-11 17:54:01,409 DEBUG [org.jboss.cache.TreeCache] Thread[RMI TCP Connection(4)-,5,RMI Runtime]_put(<test-pc:4356>:51, "/cachetest", cu3, 981)
      2004-05-11 17:54:01,409 DEBUG [org.jboss.cache.Node] Thread[RMI TCP Connection(4)-,5,RMI Runtime]acquired WL: fqn=/cachetest, owner=<test-pc:4356>:51, lock=org.jboss.cache.lock.IdentityLock@be0446
      2004-05-11 17:54:01,409 DEBUG [org.jboss.cache.TreeCache] Thread[RMI TCP Connection(4)-,5,RMI Runtime]_put(<test-pc:4356>:51, "/cachetest", cu2, 1045)
      2004-05-11 17:54:01,409 DEBUG [org.jboss.cache.Node] Thread[RMI TCP Connection(4)-,5,RMI Runtime]acquired WL: fqn=/cachetest, owner=<test-pc:4356>:51, lock=org.jboss.cache.lock.IdentityLock@be0446
      2004-05-11 17:54:01,409 DEBUG [org.jboss.cache.TreeCache] Thread[RMI TCP Connection(4)-,5,RMI Runtime]get(, "/cachetest", cu1, "974, "true")
      2004-05-11 17:54:01,409 DEBUG [org.jboss.cache.TreeCache] Thread[RMI TCP Connection(4)-,5,RMI Runtime]get(, "/cachetest", cu2, "1045, "true")
      2004-05-11 17:54:01,409 DEBUG [org.jboss.cache.TreeCache] Thread[RMI TCP Connection(4)-,5,RMI Runtime]get(, "/cachetest", cu3, "981, "true")
      2004-05-11 17:54:01,409 INFO [samples.JBossCacheTestEJB] Thread[Thread[RMI TCP Connection(4)-,5,RMI Runtime]]: deposit(cu3, cu2, 1) finished. (sum = 3000 = 974 + 1045 + 981)
      2004-05-11 17:54:01,409 DEBUG [org.jboss.cache.TreeCache] runPreparePhase(): run remote prepare with async mode: false commit: false and coordinator: test-pc:4356
      2004-05-11 17:54:01,409 DEBUG [org.jboss.cache.TreeCache] Thread[RMI TCP Connection(4)-,5,RMI Runtime]callRemoteMethods(): destination list is empty, discarding call
      2004-05-11 17:54:01,409 DEBUG [org.jboss.cache.TreeCache] Thread[RMI TCP Connection(4)-,5,RMI Runtime]afterCompletion() called (status=COMMITTED)
      2004-05-11 17:54:01,409 DEBUG [org.jboss.cache.TreeCache] Thread[RMI TCP Connection(4)-,5,RMI Runtime]callRemoteMethods(): destination list is empty, discarding call
      2004-05-11 17:54:01,409 DEBUG [org.jboss.cache.TreeCache] Thread[RMI TCP Connection(4)-,5,RMI Runtime]commit(): called to commit cache with gtx <test-pc:4356>:51
      2004-05-11 17:54:01,409 DEBUG [org.jboss.cache.TreeCache] Thread[RMI TCP Connection(4)-,5,RMI Runtime]commit(): releasing lock org.jboss.cache.lock.IdentityLock@be0446
      2004-05-11 17:54:01,409 DEBUG [org.jboss.cache.TreeCache] Thread[RMI TCP Connection(4)-,5,RMI Runtime]commit(): remove local transaction key TransactionImpl:XidImpl [FormatId=257, GlobalId=test-pc//59, BranchQual=]
      2004-05-11 17:54:01,409 DEBUG [org.jboss.cache.TreeCache] Thread[RMI TCP Connection(6)-,5,RMI Runtime]get(, "/cachetest", cu3, "981, "true")
      2004-05-11 17:54:01,409 INFO [samples.JBossCacheTestEJB] Thread[Thread[RMI TCP Connection(4)-,5,RMI Runtime]]: deposit(cu3, cu2, 17) called.
      2004-05-11 17:54:01,409 DEBUG [org.jboss.cache.TreeCache] Thread[RMI TCP Connection(6)-,5,RMI Runtime]get(, "/cachetest", cu1, "974, "true")
      2004-05-11 17:54:01,409 DEBUG [org.jboss.cache.TreeCache] Thread[RMI TCP Connection(4)-,5,RMI Runtime]getCurrentTransaction(): registered with transaction TransactionImpl:XidImpl [FormatId=257, GlobalId=test-pc//62, BranchQual=] as Synchronization listener with global transaction: <test-pc:4356>:54
      2004-05-11 17:54:01,409 DEBUG [org.jboss.cache.TreeCache] Thread[RMI TCP Connection(6)-,5,RMI Runtime]_put(<test-pc:4356>:52, "/cachetest", cu3, 978)
      2004-05-11 17:54:01,409 DEBUG [org.jboss.cache.Node] Thread[RMI TCP Connection(6)-,5,RMI Runtime]acquired WL: fqn=/cachetest, owner=<test-pc:4356>:52, lock=org.jboss.cache.lock.IdentityLock@be0446
      2004-05-11 17:54:01,409 DEBUG [org.jboss.cache.TreeCache] Thread[RMI TCP Connection(6)-,5,RMI Runtime]_put(<test-pc:4356>:52, "/cachetest", cu1, 977)
      2004-05-11 17:54:01,409 DEBUG [org.jboss.cache.Node] Thread[RMI TCP Connection(6)-,5,RMI Runtime]acquired WL: fqn=/cachetest, owner=<test-pc:4356>:52, lock=org.jboss.cache.lock.IdentityLock@be0446
      2004-05-11 17:54:01,409 DEBUG [org.jboss.cache.TreeCache] Thread[RMI TCP Connection(6)-,5,RMI Runtime]get(, "/cachetest", cu1, "977, "true")
      2004-05-11 17:54:01,409 DEBUG [org.jboss.cache.TreeCache] Thread[RMI TCP Connection(6)-,5,RMI Runtime]get(, "/cachetest", cu2, "1045, "true")
      2004-05-11 17:54:01,409 DEBUG [org.jboss.cache.TreeCache] Thread[RMI TCP Connection(6)-,5,RMI Runtime]get(, "/cachetest", cu3, "978, "true")
      2004-05-11 17:54:01,409 INFO [samples.JBossCacheTestEJB] Thread[Thread[RMI TCP Connection(6)-,5,RMI Runtime]]: deposit(cu3, cu1, 3) finished. (sum = 3000 = 977 + 1045 + 978)
      2004-05-11 17:54:01,409 DEBUG [org.jboss.cache.TreeCache] runPreparePhase(): run remote prepare with async mode: false commit: false and coordinator: test-pc:4356
      2004-05-11 17:54:01,409 DEBUG [org.jboss.cache.TreeCache] Thread[RMI TCP Connection(6)-,5,RMI Runtime]callRemoteMethods(): destination list is empty, discarding call
      2004-05-11 17:54:01,409 DEBUG [org.jboss.cache.TreeCache] Thread[RMI TCP Connection(6)-,5,RMI Runtime]afterCompletion() called (status=COMMITTED)
      2004-05-11 17:54:01,409 DEBUG [org.jboss.cache.TreeCache] Thread[RMI TCP Connection(6)-,5,RMI Runtime]callRemoteMethods(): destination list is empty, discarding call
      2004-05-11 17:54:01,409 DEBUG [org.jboss.cache.TreeCache] Thread[RMI TCP Connection(6)-,5,RMI Runtime]commit(): called to commit cache with gtx <test-pc:4356>:52
      2004-05-11 17:54:01,409 DEBUG [org.jboss.cache.TreeCache] Thread[RMI TCP Connection(6)-,5,RMI Runtime]commit(): releasing lock org.jboss.cache.lock.IdentityLock@be0446
      2004-05-11 17:54:01,409 DEBUG [org.jboss.cache.TreeCache] Thread[RMI TCP Connection(6)-,5,RMI Runtime]commit(): remove local transaction key TransactionImpl:XidImpl [FormatId=257, GlobalId=test-pc//60, BranchQual=]
      2004-05-11 17:54:01,409 DEBUG [org.jboss.cache.TreeCache] Thread[RMI TCP Connection(5)-,5,RMI Runtime]get(, "/cachetest", cu2, "1045, "true")
      2004-05-11 17:54:01,409 INFO [samples.JBossCacheTestEJB] Thread[Thread[RMI TCP Connection(6)-,5,RMI Runtime]]: deposit(cu1, cu2, 20) called.
      2004-05-11 17:54:01,409 DEBUG [org.jboss.cache.TreeCache] Thread[RMI TCP Connection(5)-,5,RMI Runtime]get(, "/cachetest", cu1, "977, "true")
      2004-05-11 17:54:01,409 DEBUG [org.jboss.cache.TreeCache] Thread[RMI TCP Connection(6)-,5,RMI Runtime]getCurrentTransaction(): registered with transaction TransactionImpl:XidImpl [FormatId=257, GlobalId=test-pc//63, BranchQual=] as Synchronization listener with global transaction: <test-pc:4356>:55
      2004-05-11 17:54:01,409 DEBUG [org.jboss.cache.TreeCache] Thread[RMI TCP Connection(5)-,5,RMI Runtime]_put(<test-pc:4356>:53, "/cachetest", cu2, 1035)
      2004-05-11 17:54:01,409 DEBUG [org.jboss.cache.Node] Thread[RMI TCP Connection(5)-,5,RMI Runtime]acquired WL: fqn=/cachetest, owner=<test-pc:4356>:53, lock=org.jboss.cache.lock.IdentityLock@be0446
      2004-05-11 17:54:01,409 DEBUG [org.jboss.cache.TreeCache] Thread[RMI TCP Connection(5)-,5,RMI Runtime]_put(<test-pc:4356>:53, "/cachetest", cu1, 987)
      2004-05-11 17:54:01,409 DEBUG [org.jboss.cache.Node] Thread[RMI TCP Connection(5)-,5,RMI Runtime]acquired WL: fqn=/cachetest, owner=<test-pc:4356>:53, lock=org.jboss.cache.lock.IdentityLock@be0446
      2004-05-11 17:54:01,409 DEBUG [org.jboss.cache.TreeCache] Thread[RMI TCP Connection(5)-,5,RMI Runtime]get(, "/cachetest", cu1, "987, "true")
      2004-05-11 17:54:01,409 DEBUG [org.jboss.cache.TreeCache] Thread[RMI TCP Connection(5)-,5,RMI Runtime]get(, "/cachetest", cu2, "1035, "true")
      2004-05-11 17:54:01,425 DEBUG [org.jboss.cache.TreeCache] Thread[RMI TCP Connection(5)-,5,RMI Runtime]get(, "/cachetest", cu3, "978, "true")
      2004-05-11 17:54:01,425 INFO [samples.JBossCacheTestEJB] Thread[Thread[RMI TCP Connection(5)-,5,RMI Runtime]]: deposit(cu2, cu1, 10) finished. (sum = 3000 = 987 + 1035 + 978)
      2004-05-11 17:54:01,425 DEBUG [org.jboss.cache.TreeCache] runPreparePhase(): run remote prepare with async mode: false commit: false and coordinator: test-pc:4356
      2004-05-11 17:54:01,425 DEBUG [org.jboss.cache.TreeCache] Thread[RMI TCP Connection(5)-,5,RMI Runtime]callRemoteMethods(): destination list is empty, discarding call
      2004-05-11 17:54:01,425 DEBUG [org.jboss.cache.TreeCache] Thread[RMI TCP Connection(5)-,5,RMI Runtime]afterCompletion() called (status=COMMITTED)
      2004-05-11 17:54:01,425 DEBUG [org.jboss.cache.TreeCache] Thread[RMI TCP Connection(5)-,5,RMI Runtime]callRemoteMethods(): destination list is empty, discarding call
      2004-05-11 17:54:01,425 DEBUG [org.jboss.cache.TreeCache] Thread[RMI TCP Connection(5)-,5,RMI Runtime]commit(): called to commit cache with gtx <test-pc:4356>:53
      2004-05-11 17:54:01,425 DEBUG [org.jboss.cache.TreeCache] Thread[RMI TCP Connection(5)-,5,RMI Runtime]commit(): releasing lock org.jboss.cache.lock.IdentityLock@be0446
      2004-05-11 17:54:01,425 DEBUG [org.jboss.cache.TreeCache] Thread[RMI TCP Connection(5)-,5,RMI Runtime]commit(): remove local transaction key TransactionImpl:XidImpl [FormatId=257, GlobalId=test-pc//61, BranchQual=]
      2004-05-11 17:54:01,425 DEBUG [org.jboss.cache.TreeCache] Thread[RMI TCP Connection(4)-,5,RMI Runtime]get(, "/cachetest", cu3, "978, "true")
      2004-05-11 17:54:01,425 INFO [samples.JBossCacheTestEJB] Thread[Thread[RMI TCP Connection(5)-,5,RMI Runtime]]: deposit(cu3, cu2, 3) called.
      2004-05-11 17:54:01,425 DEBUG [org.jboss.cache.TreeCache] Thread[RMI TCP Connection(5)-,5,RMI Runtime]getCurrentTransaction(): registered with transaction TransactionImpl:XidImpl [FormatId=257, GlobalId=test-pc//64, BranchQual=] as Synchronization listener with global transaction: <test-pc:4356>:56
      2004-05-11 17:54:01,425 DEBUG [org.jboss.cache.TreeCache] Thread[RMI TCP Connection(4)-,5,RMI Runtime]get(, "/cachetest", cu3, "978, "true")
      2004-05-11 17:54:01,425 DEBUG [org.jboss.cache.TreeCache] Thread[RMI TCP Connection(4)-,5,RMI Runtime]_put(<test-pc:4356>:54, "/cachetest", cu3, 961)
      2004-05-11 17:54:01,425 DEBUG [org.jboss.cache.Node] Thread[RMI TCP Connection(4)-,5,RMI Runtime]acquired WL: fqn=/cachetest, owner=<test-pc:4356>:54, lock=org.jboss.cache.lock.IdentityLock@be0446
      2004-05-11 17:54:01,425 DEBUG [org.jboss.cache.TreeCache] Thread[RMI TCP Connection(4)-,5,RMI Runtime]_put(<test-pc:4356>:54, "/cachetest", cu2, 995)
      2004-05-11 17:54:01,425 DEBUG [org.jboss.cache.Node] Thread[RMI TCP Connection(4)-,5,RMI Runtime]acquired WL: fqn=/cachetest, owner=<test-pc:4356>:54, lock=org.jboss.cache.lock.IdentityLock@be0446
      2004-05-11 17:54:01,425 DEBUG [org.jboss.cache.TreeCache] Thread[RMI TCP Connection(4)-,5,RMI Runtime]get(, "/cachetest", cu1, "987, "true")
      2004-05-11 17:54:01,425 DEBUG [org.jboss.cache.TreeCache] Thread[RMI TCP Connection(4)-,5,RMI Runtime]get(, "/cachetest", cu2, "995, "true")
      2004-05-11 17:54:01,425 DEBUG [org.jboss.cache.TreeCache] Thread[RMI TCP Connection(4)-,5,RMI Runtime]get(, "/cachetest", cu3, "961, "true")
      2004-05-11 17:54:01,425 INFO [samples.JBossCacheTestEJB] Thread[Thread[RMI TCP Connection(4)-,5,RMI Runtime]]: deposit(cu3, cu2, 17) finished. (sum = 2943 = 987 + 995 + 961)
      2004-05-11 17:54:01,425 DEBUG [org.jboss.cache.TreeCache] Thread[RMI TCP Connection(4)-,5,RMI Runtime]afterCompletion() called (status=ROLLEDBACK)
      2004-05-11 17:54:01,425 DEBUG [org.jboss.cache.TreeCache] Thread[RMI TCP Connection(4)-,5,RMI Runtime]afterCompletion(): rolling back cache
      2004-05-11 17:54:01,425 DEBUG [org.jboss.cache.TreeCache] Thread[RMI TCP Connection(4)-,5,RMI Runtime]callRemoteMethods(): destination list is empty, discarding call
      2004-05-11 17:54:01,425 DEBUG [org.jboss.cache.TreeCache] Thread[RMI TCP Connection(4)-,5,RMI Runtime]rollback(): called to rollback cache
      2004-05-11 17:54:01,425 DEBUG [org.jboss.cache.TreeCache] Thread[RMI TCP Connection(4)-,5,RMI Runtime]_put(<test-pc:4356>:54, "/cachetest", cu2, 1035)
      2004-05-11 17:54:01,425 DEBUG [org.jboss.cache.Node] Thread[RMI TCP Connection(4)-,5,RMI Runtime]acquired WL: fqn=/cachetest, owner=<test-pc:4356>:54, lock=org.jboss.cache.lock.IdentityLock@be0446
      2004-05-11 17:54:01,425 DEBUG [org.jboss.cache.TreeCache] Thread[RMI TCP Connection(4)-,5,RMI Runtime]_put(<test-pc:4356>:54, "/cachetest", cu3, 978)
      2004-05-11 17:54:01,425 DEBUG [org.jboss.cache.Node] Thread[RMI TCP Connection(4)-,5,RMI Runtime]acquired WL: fqn=/cachetest, owner=<test-pc:4356>:54, lock=org.jboss.cache.lock.IdentityLock@be0446
      2004-05-11 17:54:01,425 DEBUG [org.jboss.cache.TreeCache] Thread[RMI TCP Connection(4)-,5,RMI Runtime]rollback(): releasing lock org.jboss.cache.lock.IdentityLock@be0446
      2004-05-11 17:54:01,425 DEBUG [org.jboss.cache.TreeCache] Thread[RMI TCP Connection(6)-,5,RMI Runtime]get(, "/cachetest", cu1, "987, "true")
      2004-05-11 17:54:01,425 DEBUG [org.jboss.cache.TreeCache] Thread[RMI TCP Connection(6)-,5,RMI Runtime]get(, "/cachetest", cu2, "1035, "true")
      2004-05-11 17:54:01,425 INFO [STDOUT] java.lang.Exception: sum failure (sum = 2943, cnt = 16)