1 2 Previous Next 21 Replies Latest reply on Feb 24, 2011 9:10 PM by evaldo.junior

    Calendar and ajax



      I'm having problems using the calendar control (3.1.0 RC3) in an ajax form. At first the calendar is not shown. After changing some input field, I update the page through an a4j:support tag. One of the components that's rendered then is an calendar. It's not usable when it's rendered through an ajax call.
      Clicking on it just gives a javascript error:

      $("scoretableform:_id122:1:_id152").component has no properties
      Line 1

      Also on ajax update I get the following error:

      Prototype.Browser has no properties
      Line 238

      Is this a known bug?

        • 1. Re: Calendar and ajax

          could you provide the page code snippet? Also, what kind of browser you use?

          • 2. Re: Calendar and ajax

            Tried this one... Getting the same error.

             <h:panelGroup id="test" columns="2" style="width: 300px">
             <h:selectBooleanCheckbox value="#{Test.bool}">
             <a4j:support event="onchange" reRender="test" />
             <f:selectItem itemValue="true" itemLabel="Show" />
             <f:selectItem itemValue="false" itemLabel="Hide" />
             <rich:calendar value="#{Test.date}" popup="true"
             rendered="#{Test.bool}" />

            • 3. Re: Calendar and ajax

              Using firefox

              • 4. Re: Calendar and ajax

                just copy pasted your code. works fine.

                My full env:

                JSF 1.2_04
                Facelets 1.1.12
                RF 3.1.0 RC3
                tomcat 5.5

                • 5. Re: Calendar and ajax

                  Ok. Thanks.
                  I'm on MyFaces 1.1.5.
                  Also using Tomahawk for some pages.

                  I'll try to find what is causing the error on my system...

                  • 6. Re: Calendar and ajax

                    Strange.. After replacing JSF to myFaces - still working for me.. could you please share your war with sources somewhere?,

                    • 7. Re: Calendar and ajax

                      Strange indeed. I had recently updated the myfaces libs to 1.1.5. When I switched back to 1.1.4, things started working again.

                      Is there a known incompability issue between ajax4jsf and myfaces 1.1.5?

                      • 8. Re: Calendar and ajax

                        I am getting the same error on trying to open a modal panel.

                        I am using JSF 1.2, Seam 2.0, Trinidad, Ricfaces 3.1, and Tomahawk.

                        Any ideas?

                        • 9. Re: Calendar and ajax

                          Also, I am seeing this in IE6 and Firefox

                          • 10. Re: Calendar and ajax

                            could you please simplify as possible your case and provide it?

                            • 11. Re: Calendar and ajax

                              I resurrecting this thread as I am seeing this issue in RichFaces 3.2.0.SR1. Basically, I have a radio button that show/hides a rich:calender. This works fine, but in IE I need to click the radio button twice. But when the calendar shows up the popup calendar will not show.

                              Please advise if I'm doing something wrong here. I'm using:

                              MyFaces 1.2.2
                              Spring MVC 2.5.4
                              Spring WebFlow 2.0
                              Tomcat 6
                              IE 6/FF 2.0.14


                               <ui:define name="content">
                               <a4j:form id="landingForm">
                               <h:panelGroup id="supplierInfo" columns="2">
                               <h:selectOneRadio id="initiator" value="#{pcnRequest.qctSupplier}">
                               <a4j:support event="onchange" reRender="supplierInfo" />
                               <f:selectItem id="initiator1" itemLabel="QCT" itemValue="false" />
                               <f:selectItem id="initiator2" itemLabel="QCT Supplier" itemValue="true" />
                               <rich:calendar id="supplierShipDate" popup="true" width="100%"
                               value="#{pcnRequest.supplierShipDate}" datePattern="dd-MMM-yy"
                               style="width:200px" enableManualInput="true">

                              • 12. Re: Calendar and ajax

                                try to use event="onclick" instead of event="onchange"

                                • 13. Re: Calendar and ajax

                                  Note, I've also tried this on RF 3.2.1.CR1.

                                  • 14. Re: Calendar and ajax

                                    Thanks Sergey, but that doesn't address the issue of the calendar's pop-up not rendering.

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