1 2 Previous Next 20 Replies Latest reply on Aug 22, 2005 4:42 AM by belaban Go to original post
      • 15. Re: message or message buffer is null followed by other exce

        You could also set a breakpoint in *your* version's doSend() and check *what* messages causes this. A typical scenario would be initial state transfer *without* a FRAG protocol: if the state's size exceeds 65K, DatagramSocket.send() throws this exception.

        • 16. Re: message or message buffer is null followed by other exce

          Bela, Thanks for your response.

          Our problem happens only in production, so unfortunately I cannot put a breakpoint and test.

          This is my first time getting code off cvs and building. This is what I did..

          cvs -d:pserver:anonymous@cvs.sourceforge.net:/cvsroot/javagroups login

          cvs -d:pserver:anonymous@cvs.sourceforge.net:/cvsroot/javagroups co JGroups

          I got the source, and I did - ./build.sh
          - ant all

          I found two jar files in dist folder: jgroups-all.jar and jgroups-core.jar. I renamed jgroups-all.jar to jgroups.jar and copied into my lib folder.

          I am not sure if my steps are correct. I did find releasenotes-2.2.8.txt in the /doc folder. Did I get 2.2.9?

          Anyways, I copied the new jgroups.jar into my lib folder and started the server. I constantly get the following error message in my logs without even doing anything.

          2005-08-18 14:38:29,593 ERROR [org.jgroups.blocks.RpcDispatcher] exception=java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: boolean

          I used java 1.4.2_07

          Thanks, Abitha.

          • 17. Re: message or message buffer is null followed by other exce

            Bela, I' m sorry if my questions are a bit lame, but I'm trying to understand, so here goes -

            (a) so are you saying that even with JGroups 2.2.9, I will still get an error and that the error will be different? If we resolve the current JGroups 2.2.9 issues that I have and we get the error that you specify, do we have a solution for that?

            (b) Is this a bug in JGroups? Shouldnt the packets be fragmented to the right size automatically based on the the bundle size? Why would we ever get "Message Too Long" error?


            • 18. Re: message or message buffer is null followed by other exce

              (a) Yes, you will probably stil get the error, but it has more info attached
              (b) Yes, FRAG should fragment packets to the right size, so you should never get the error message.

              I want to see if we are just a few bytes over the limit, or way over the limit.

              To be on the safe side, just set

              • 19. Re: message or message buffer is null followed by other exce


                I cant seem to get past the following error message when I use the new jar files. Please see my previous two posts...I get this exception only with the new jgroups jar and only when 2 app servers are up.

                2005-08-18 14:38:29,593 ERROR [org.jgroups.blocks.RpcDispatcher] exception=java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: boolean

                It seems like a java bug from long long ago, but I am not sure. We use JDK 1.4.2_07 with Linux.

                If we are able to get this working, I can schedule some time next week to try this in production, and see what kind of messages/results we get.

                Thanks, Abitha.

                • 20. Re: message or message buffer is null followed by other exce

                  Okay, fixed in CVS head of 2.2.9. This bug was introduced in 2.2.9, doesn't occur in 2.2.8 or 2.2.7

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