3 Replies Latest reply on Mar 21, 2006 2:40 AM by ratang2000

    Replication stops after sometime


      Im using TreeCacheAOP.I am replicating a HashMap and objects stored in it(I actually do a putObject on the hashmap)
      The key to the HashMap is a string,and the value is an object of my own class called UserSessionObject.
      UserSessionObject has a field called userTimestamp of type Timestamp.

      So after every 5 seconds this field is updated for some UserSessionObjects in the Map.

      Initially the replication goes on fine, after around 5-7 minutes there is no replication that seems to happen.

      We have configured it to be using the REPL_ASYNC mode.
      There are no kind exceptions in the log.Is there anything we are missing?
      Do I need to make my objects aspectizable?..there are right now Serializable...I think that TreeCacheAOP automatically makes internal objects aspectizable...

        • 1. Re: Replication stops after sometime

          OK.It seems replication of the UserSessionObject wasnt happening in the first place..When the put was done only once in the hashmap,that was the only time the object was replicated.After that it was just modification to the POJO(UserSessionObject).
          So the question is, do I need to Instrument the UserSessionObject explicitly?
          If Yes,then I would want to do it using an XML.
          So I would create the jboss-aop.xml and make a field entry for UsersessionObject class.
          Do I need to do anything in the propertyconfigurator to tell it the location of the aop.xml file?

          • 2. Re: Replication stops after sometime

            Yes, yes, and yes. :-) The best way to do it is to look at the example that bundles in 1.2.4 release. it has both annotation and xml examples there.

            • 3. Re: Replication stops after sometime
