4 Replies Latest reply on Apr 14, 2008 7:36 PM by manik

    Cache modified time not updated in a clustered environment.


      We are using jboss cache to save some key information in a session like object. Each object is stored under its own node and we have provided our own implementation of LRUInvalidationPolicy class which removes object from cache when evict is called (we are using 1.4.0SP1).

      The cache region policy is set as given below

      policyClass = "custom.LRUInvalidationPolicy"
      maxNodes = 0
      timeToLiveSeconds = 3600
      maxAgeSeconds = 86400

      In some cases we need to keep the session alive beyond the maximum timeToLiveSeconds. Hence we implemented a timer in client which retrieves the object from TreeCache with the expectation that LRU time stamp would be updated. Since we have the timeToLiveSeconds set to 60 minutes, we have this refresh timer running every 20 minutes to update the timestamp and keep the object in cache.

      The problem is it that this does not work in clustered environment. In non-clustered environment, we can keep the object in cache as long as refresh timer is active. However in clustered environment the refresh timer has no impact and object is removed from cache in 60 minutes.

      Form what I can tell the LRU timestamp is not replicated across the cluster. I have tested and verified this behavior in 1.4.1SP8 as well. What can we do to keep the session alive? Do we actually need to update the object itself to update its timestamp?

        • 1. Re: Cache modified time not updated in a clustered environme

          Evictions are local to each instance and timestamps are not replicated across a cluster. This is because different instances in a cluster may access different nodes in the cache at different rates, so timestamps are only really relevant to a single cache instance.

          What you can do is, if you know which node needs to be "kept alive" beyond the timeout, is to use:

          TreeCache.getEvictionRegionManager().markNodeCurrentlyInUse(fqn, timeout)

          This will prevent it from being evicted until the timeout or you call


          • 2. Re: Cache modified time not updated in a clustered environme

            (follow up from same dev group as szkazmi)

            What versions of JBoss / JBossCache are required to make this call?
            We are currently using JBoss 4.0.3SP1 and JBossCache 1.4.0SP1.
            Currently we are using the TreeCacheMBean mechanism of interfacing with JBossCache.

            Does the markNodeCurrentlyInUse call asynchronously update the nodes across the cluster?
            We would like to be able to reset the ttl timestamp across the cluster but ideally we wouldn't want our transaction to wait for this update to complete.

            • 3. Re: Cache modified time not updated in a clustered environme

              All eviction logic, queues and timers are local to a single cache instance and is not shared across a cluster. Marking a node as in use, also, only affects a single cache instance.

              Since you have your own eviction policy that actually does a remove instead of an evict, that's where you may have a problem. Perhaps using your own RPC call across a cluster to have all caches call markNodeCurrentlyInUse()? Why do you need a custom eviction policy that does a remove anyway, why not just a standard eviction policy? If you don't use a cache loader it has almost the same effect as a remove, and won't affect the entire cluster.

              Oh and FYI this API call is available in 1.4.X - you just need to get a hold of the TreeCache, not just the TreeCacheMBean, and call getEvictionRegionManager().

              • 4. Re: Cache modified time not updated in a clustered environme

                Another not-too-elegant approach would be to start a transaction and read the node, then mark the node as in use. This way,

                1) local evictions won't remove your node because you have marked it as in use.
                2) remote evictions won't remove your node since your tx has a lock on it. Remote evictions will in fact fail and be put on a recycle queue if you are using synchronous replication, or fail quietly if you are using async replication.

                When you are done with your update, call unmarkNodeCurrentlyInUse() and commit your transaction to release locks.