2 Replies Latest reply on Oct 31, 2008 12:06 PM by jreeman

    Problem of


      I have a problem when updating a cache node with a data.

      I do something like this :

      node = cachegetRoot().addChild(fqn);
       node.put(key, value);

      That throws a NodeNotValidException (at the "node.put(key, value);" line) :
      UnversionedNode (INVALID!)
      org.jboss.cache.NodeNotValidException: Node /sections is not valid. Perhaps it has been moved or removed.

      Could you tell me in wich case such a problem occurs because I do nothing really specific ?

        • 1. Re: Problem of node invalidation

          When disabling the eviction policy :

          <!-- Policy configurations : FIFO Policy -->
          <attribute name="EvictionPolicyConfig">
          <attribute name="policyClass">org.jboss.cache.eviction.FIFOPolicy</attribute>
          <attribute name="maxNodes">1000</attribute>

          There is no more exception, but I'm afraid that the cache size will grow indefinitely.

          Could you give me some piece of advice about these issue ?


          • 2. Re: Problem of

            I added regions and _default_ in the xml configuration file and it seems now better.