0 Replies Latest reply on Oct 31, 2008 3:00 PM by bassista80

    transaction and ejb3 transaction annotation


      hi all,
      i've deployed jboss cache 2.2 within my ear in jboss as 4.2.3
      and configured it to use the as transaction manager

      i call the cache from an ejb3 annotated to be transactional
      as inside it, there are db updates and cache inserts too.

      the cache is configurated to use optimistic lock
      but i notice that the transaction always commit,
      the db is correctly updated, but the cache always miss

      i think that the problem could be that the cache never commits...
      i never call explicitily the jta api, cause if i try to call
      tm.begin() i get a transaction state exception because there is yet
      a transaction associated to the current thread.
      perhaps i don't want to suspend this transaction, but partecipate to it...

      where i'm wrong??

      tnx in advance