2 Replies Latest reply on Jun 16, 2009 7:57 AM by galder.zamarreno

    MVCC lock timeout exception after 0? ms.

      Hi all,

      I'm using jboss cache 3.0.2 and have a cache configured with MVCC. The cache is being used by hibernate as a second level cache, in a 2 nodes cluster using INVALIDATION_SYNC.

      I have also configured the lockAcquisitionTimeout to 15000.

      The thing is I see exceptions like this:

       [exec] 17:50:17,890 INFO [STDOUT] Caused by: org.jboss.cache.lock.TimeoutException: Unable to acquire lock on Fqn [/persistence.unit:unitName=SPECjAppServer.ear/corp.jar#corp-persistence/org/spec/jappserver/corp/customerinventoryent/ejb/CCustomerInventory/ENTITY/org.spec.jappserver.corp.customerinventoryent.ejb.CCustomerInventory#394737] after [0] milliseconds for requestor [Thread[Incoming-11,,10,Thread Pools]]! Lock held by [GlobalTransaction:<>:18482]
       [exec] 17:50:17,891 INFO [STDOUT] at org.jboss.cache.mvcc.MVCCNodeHelper.acquireLock(MVCCNodeHelper.java:170)

      where I can read the cache is unable to get a lock after 0 milliseconds.

      Is there any other parameter that takes care of the timeoutexception, rather than lockAcquisitionTimeout?

      Thanks a lot !!