1 Reply Latest reply on Oct 12, 2009 8:11 AM by manik

    Preventing JBoss Cache from recreating dummy table?


      In addition to the standard "jbosscache" table that contains all of the cache data (when using the JDBCCacheLoader), JBoss Cache also creates a dummy table named "jbosscache_D". This table seems to get recreated every time the cache is started. The AdjListJDBCCacheLoader class's start() method calls a method named createDummyTableIfNeeded() that, despite its name, always drops and recreates the dummy table. Unfortunately, our DBAs do not want to grant the JBoss Cache database user "create table" privileges in production. This isn't an issue with the "jbosscache" table since there is a setting in the config file indicating whether or not this table should be recreated if it already exists. However, I haven't found any such setting for "jbosscache_D".

      So, can anyone tell me if there is a way to prevent JBoss Cache from creating the dummy table (we'd rather have a DBA pre-create that table using an admin user).

