1 Reply Latest reply on Dec 13, 2002 3:55 AM by bruce

    Simple CRUD


      For those of you that are reading the AOP framework I think we need something like

      ((JBossPersistence) o).create();
      ((JBossPersistence) o).delete();

      interposition of the o fields so that read and update are automatically done in the database with CMP2.0 like tracking of what has changed, this is simply done with the existing AOP implementation in JB4.

      The engine for persistence should be a generalized version of the CMP2.0 engine.

        • 1. Re: Simple CRUD

          After hearing you talk about this transparent persistence via an interceptor tonight at the BoulderJUG meeting, I think that this is an incredible idea. It can certainly be taken further once Bela's cache is available because it will allow the implementation of update() functionality to persist modifications of the object (and possibily related objects as well). However, I'm no expert with CMP2, or the JBoss 3 CMP2 engine, so maybe my ideas are just bunk.
