1. Re: Postgres port
rolfz Dec 8, 2003 9:52 AM (in response to blulas)so bad.
yes JBoss has several generators but it won't fit in nukes because of pk format. these usually creates UUID pks that are very long strings.
nukes use an Integer PK.
are you sure there is no way to get the PK via SQL ?
for instance in HsqlDB you execute special SQL that gives you the generated PK. its
as far as I remember something like :
so if you do an insert then execute SELECT IDENTITY it give you back the generated PK.
check PostGres in that way, I am pretty sure
there is something there.
julien -
2. Re: Using Hibernate and JBoss, how to?
toastchee Jan 26, 2004 2:04 PM (in response to blulas)"toastchee" wrote:
I am wondering the exact same thing. Jboss dudes? -
3. Re: Using Hibernate and JBoss, how to?
apivonka Feb 9, 2004 2:29 PM (in response to blulas)Please provide something--
Stand alone Application -- How To's
J2EE Application (Container Inspecific) -- How To's -
4. Re: Using Hibernate and JBoss, how to?
marc.fleury Feb 9, 2004 2:34 PM (in response to blulas)RTFM
5. Re: Using Hibernate and JBoss, how to?
eljavanino Sep 28, 2004 2:18 PM (in response to blulas)I also want to know where can I find a tutorial on how to use Hibernate in JBoss, and how to configure the various XML files needed.
But I couldn't find any useful articles on this.
Any suggestions?
Thanks. -
6. Re: Using Hibernate and JBoss, how to?
garbett May 20, 2005 2:41 PM (in response to blulas)I posted my install/configuration script that gets JBoss 4.0.2 and Hibernate 3.0 up and running at http://www.jboss.org/index.html?module=bb&op=viewtopic&t=64209
Also be sure to look at org.jboss.hibernate.session.HibernateContext and it's usage. There are some differences.