1 Reply Latest reply on Aug 6, 2002 11:04 PM by davidjencks

    Postgressql and Jboss3.0

      as per doc and help, i changed the postgres-service.xml file to point to a database on postgres server even added a application-ploicy to the login-config.xml file, with driver in lib directory

      when I run the server I do see that LocalTx datasource postgresDS is being created,it does not seem to create any connections in the pool when min size I specify is that 5. and max 10.
      driver is libf dir, server config(url,uid,pwd are correct)

      I am little confused about this thing can some give me step by step break down instruction on setting up postgres connection pool.

      a lot for ur help in advance

        • 1. Re: Postgressql and Jboss3.0

          The current pooling code has a separate pool for each Subject it gets. Since it can't know who you are going to log in as until you ask for a first connection, it can't make any connections on startup. When you ask for one, it will fill the pool to the min size using that security info. (this happens in a separate thread so your request can return immediately)