2 Replies Latest reply on Dec 11, 2002 5:06 PM by joelvogt

    Access 2 different databases(oracle,mssql) concurrently


      Is the JBoss able to access 2 differnt databases at the same time? If so, How should I configure for this?

        • 1. Re: Access 2 different databases(oracle,mssql) concurrently

          ....I am also looking for this , as im using jboss 2.4.4 and im trying to create two DataSource One is Default DS on Hypersonic(DefaultDS) and another is on Oracle(OracleDS) ... but when i start the server it hangs after reaching following statement ...
          [INFO,DefaultDS] Starting
          [INFO,DefaultDS] XA Connection pool DefaultDS bound to java:/DefaultDS

          • 2. Re: Access 2 different databases(oracle,mssql) concurrently

            you can have many different datasources. If the startup is hanging then the error will be your ds config. Check the parameters and make sure it is using the correct driver that you would have specified. Also when jboss starts make sure it spits out some debug specifying that the driver was loaded.