0 Replies Latest reply on Jan 15, 2003 3:34 AM by vitaly

    Sybase XA DataSource configuration



      I'm using JBoss 3.0.4 / Tomcat 4.0.6 connecting to Sybase ASA 7.0.3 via JConnect driver. When I do an insert into the db and send a JMS in the same transaction, it causes the following warning in my log:

      WARN [LocalTxConnectionManager$LocalConnectionEventListener] prepare called on a local tx. You are not getting the semantics you expect!

      I think it is because I have to use XADataSource for the database, otherwise, if the JMS sent fails, the db transaction will be not rolled back. Is that so?
      And I could not configure it for Sybase myself, neither could I find an example sybase-xa-service.xml (although jconn.jar contains SybXADataSource class).

      Please, would you tell me if such a workflow (LocalTX db call + XA JMS call in one transaction) might lead to a problem? How can I configure Sybase for the XA datasource?
