1 Reply Latest reply on Sep 17, 2007 11:40 AM by ilya_shaikovsky

    problems with Calendar



      I started to test Calendar component in friday and i noticed few problems:

      1)reRender doesn't work:( (does it need a4j:form or a4j:outputPanel?);

      2)when i use a4j:support with event ondateselect of calendar bean method is called but date is not selected on calendar component:(

      3)valueChangeListener works only if i click on << >> buttons (i thought it will be called every time i select date:()

      I dont use binding during tests and iam using jsf1.2 and facelets.
      When i saw new calendar in richfaces library i of course planned to use it in my new web app but when i occured so much troubles i decided to stay with yahoo calendar i play badly with javascript^^.

      Meanwhile does anybody met with such problems?

        • 1. Re: problems with Calendar


          <h:form id="form">
           <rich:calendar popup="false" reRender="test">
           <h:outputText value="test" id="test"></h:outputText>

          In debug log I'm able to see
          debug[18:35:44,049]: Attempt to update part of page for Id: form:test
          debug[18:35:44,050]: call getElementById for id= form:test
          debug[18:35:44,051]: Replace content of node by replaceChild()
          debug[18:35:44,052]: search for elements by name 'script' in element span
          debug[18:35:44,063]: getElementsByTagName found 0
          debug[18:35:44,064]: Scripts in updated part count : 0
          debug[18:35:44,065]: Update part of page for Id: form:test successful

          2)http://jira.jboss.com/jira/browse/RF-945 Thanks!

          3) Works as designed. You should fire your own request to handle selection.